Waiting For a While - 1

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Luke found himself in a field, surrounded by flowers. He couldn't quite tell what kinds they were; all he knew was that they were all white. He ran his hand across the ground and felt soft petals and slightly damp grass move between his fingers.

He turned his gaze higher and saw a huge mountain range lined with a thin layer of snow. He had thought of getting up and walking toward the mountains, but something told him he shouldn't. They were very far away from him, anyway. He would've tired himself out even trying to reach them.

Above the mountains and flowers, there was a pale blue sky. Wispy clouds were floating in it and forming fun shapes. The sun shone through the clouds, and the warm rays hit his pale skin. Despite that, the gentle breeze kept him cool.

He heard the wind whistle in his ears, and he swore he could also the faint sound of birds singing from a distance. Together, they played a soft and calming melody.

He sighed, taking in the scenery. It reminded him of somewhere he'd been to some time ago, but he can't remember where. His memory was pretty bad right now for some reason.

Well, his day had been pretty exhausting. He might as well try to get some rest, and this place is perfect for that. He lay down on the soft earth and small delicate petals tickled his skin. He looked up and he saw that the clouds kinda looked like boats now. He let out a small laugh and continued to watch the feathery white boats sail through the sea above the ground.

After a few minutes of making up entertaining little stories from the images in the clouds, he sensed a figure sit down next to him.

"Hi there," he heard a high-pitched voice say.

Startled, Luke immediately sat up and turned to face the person.

He couldn't see much of them. They had long hair and light skin, and they were wearing something that seemed like a dress. To Luke, they resembled the flowers they sat among. They were likely a girl, but Luke didn't want to assume. They seemed young, maybe thirteen years old, around the same age as him. Strangely, those were the only features he could make out, as most of their figure was blurry.

Now that he thought about it... Finding himself in a peaceful area with a person he couldn't see that well? This was too familiar. Could this be...?

"Uh... You've been staring for a while. Is everything alright?" they asked.

Luke blinked. "Oh, um, yeah, I'm fine, sorry," he replied with a small chuckle.

They giggled. "I think I know what you're wondering, so yes, I'm your soulmate. I guess you also need to know this: I'm a girl, and I use she/her."

"What?" He then realized what she meant. "Oh... okay. Um, well, I use he/him."

"Good to know! And we're off to a great start!" she enthusiastically said. Energy could be heard in every word that came out of her mouth. It made Luke smile a little.

"Oh yeah, uh... I haven't had something like this in a while, so I just want to ask a few questions. Is that alright with you?" Luke asked.

"Of course!" She moved a little closer to him and leaned back, resting her palms on the ground. "I know plenty of stuff about this from the research I've done. Ask away!"

He was a little tense at first due to this girl's sudden arrival, but her warm and friendly personality instantly put him at ease.

"Well, I know this, but I just want to make sure. You're sharing this dream with me, and we can talk about whatever. We just can't reveal anything too personal that makes it easier to find each other in the real world. Did I get that right?"

"Yes! I might show up late to these dreams as I did tonight." She laughed. "Sorry about that. Anyway, as for your next two questions: we can talk about anything, but we can't say anything that makes it too easy to find each other. Things like names, distinct physical features, or a whole plan on how to meet up. For example, my name is..." The last word was distorted and Luke couldn't understand what it was. She then sighed. "It's a little unfair and confusing, but that's just how it works, I guess. We have to let things come naturally, but also not stay waiting for so long."

"Alright, I got it. Thanks for the refresher," he said with a grin. He then realized that she couldn't see his face, as it was blurry to her. Does it really matter, though? He can smile if he wants to.

They sat in the field for a few minutes, staring at the idle mountains in front of them. The only sounds breaking the silence were the birdsong and the breeze.

This was his first dream with his soulmate. They should do something special or at least fun. He started thinking of what they could do.

"Hey, you wanna, um... Watch the clouds together...?"

He couldn't see her face, but it was likely she was smiling. "Sure!"


Luke opened his eyes to find himself back in his home and laying on his bed. The sky was dark, contrasting with the one in his dream, and the moon's light shone through the window. It must be pretty late at night.

He took the white cotton blanket off of his body and quietly placed his feet on the wooden floor below him. He stood up, then realized he had no idea why he got out of bed. Well, he's already here, and the vivid memory of that dream's keeping him awake. He might as well do something. He walked over to the door of his room and froze when he heard a voice.

"Luke...? It's almost 1 AM. What are you doing up?"

He jumped and turned around to face a boy sitting on the other edge of the bed he had lain down on.

"Oh, Zander, I forgot you were staying over tonight," he said, calming himself down when he began to recognize him.

"Really? Just a few hours ago, we were fighting over the rules of a board game and stuffing our faces with sweets. You forgot that?" the boy replied with a laugh. This put Luke at ease. "So, mind telling me why you're awake at this hour?" Zander asked, getting up and walking over to him.

"I could say the same for you."

"I noticed you got out of bed. Now, why did you?" He crossed his arms.

"Well..." He sighed. "I saw a girl in my dream."

Zander's eyes, barely visible from the lack of light and the violet hair hanging over them, widened in wonder. "Really...?"

Luke answered with a nod.

"Well, maybe you'll see her soon."

The brunet then realized what he had said. The excitement of meeting another soulmate started to fill him. "You're right! Oh, I can't wait to meet her!" he exclaimed, barely able to contain his emotion.

Zander chuckled. "Hey, quiet down. You might wake Hailey up."

"Ah, yeah, sorry."

"It's been a while since the first dream. You're the first one among us three to have another one," the violet boy said, referring to Hailey, Luke, and himself. "Maybe you'll even be the first of us to meet your next soulmate. Lucky you."

Luke just laughed in response.

"She better treat you right. Now, come on, let's go back to sleep, I'm tired."

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