My last bite

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Chapter 1 My Darkest nigh:

It was a dark night, you could hardly notice the moon among so many clouds, the trees looked green even if it was in the dark, and the road was completely alone, only me my mom in a cyan blue 1998 Jetta at 95 km/h, when from among those trees a deer came out suddenly, my mom without knowing what to do turned the wheel as fast as she could to avoid the poor animal, I will never blame that poor animal that without knowing got on the road and when she saw two lights quickly approaching him her instinct was to run, I only blame myself, for not having enjoyed every second before that moment, Every second of my mother, every hug, kiss, or wish of good night that she gave me, I never appreciated what really mattered in this life, until, the car flipped over, so abruptly that our poor Jetta rolled out into a metal fence so that one does not go off the road, Our car hit that fence head on, unfortunately on the side where my mom was, the last thing I remember was the car spinning and my mom screaming, a second before she was unconscious I remember perfectly seeing her eyes of fear trying to tell me everything will be ok, mommy will be with you.

Five years later I remember it as if it were yesterday, since then I am not the same person I was 5 years ago, the only person who trusted me and loved me disappeared, that day I changed, I did not believe in me again, nor did I have reasons to live, my lack of confidence in myself makes me wonder day after day why I could not be the one who received the tremendous impact, why did it have to be her? When I go out of the orphaned children where they had me at 18 years old, this is where I realized that I no longer wanted to socialize, I went from being someone who was sociable, who walked with his friends, who had several girlfriends, after all that, I stopped hanging out with my friends, I was no longer interested in being with any girl and it's not just that I wasn't interested, but that I haven't been able to, I don't have the same confidence that I had in myself before the incident, it's impressive to see how my personality changed because of the death of my mother, I'm sure that she wanted this the least, but it's not easy for me to deal with her departure.

Chapter 2 An attempt to return to normal

After so much time in the darkness it is hard to believe that the light exists, because in the darkness I live in it ceased to exist long ago. But here it is not the end, the little hope that I had left I directed it towards a high school so that I could finish my studies and try to get back to a normal life, if that was possible, the only advantage that I saw was that it was a distraction to my shitty life, for this moment I was living with an old friend of my mom, who kindly opened his arms to me in his house and I could have a place to stay.

The days go by and I don't feel like I'm in agreement with the people in my classroom, nobody wants to talk with you when you're so depressed even though I understand it from them, I wouldn't get together with myself either. The strange thing was when one day while I was having a mediocre sandwich for breakfast that I bought at the "7even eleven" about to take my last bite, a girl with light eyes, brown hair, a shaped chin and a better smile than the others arrived. She tells me with a look similar to that of a kitten with a sad face, -Do you think you can give me a little of what you have left? I knew that what I was eating did not deserve it, not even my worst enemy, and warning her of its taste, I gave her what was left of my breakfast, with a thank you she said goodbye, I felt somewhat used but nothing out of the ordinary, it was the first time someone had spoken to me.

That only person who spoke to me is the one who has spoken to me the most in a long time, often from a teacher or the director, although he only spoke to me to ask me for favors, very easy in fact, sometimes a color, another day a pen but there was a day in which his favor changed from something small to something very big. In a time of rest that I had was seated in a bench as another in the distance I notice a person in a hurry to run just where I was, I quickly decided to move to avoid but at the moment in which I stand this person who saw in the distance running was the girl who had eaten my sandwich of a very bad taste, in that takes my hand and takes me running backwards from a tree which was outside the facilities, followed by this tells me to accompany her to her house that later will explain everything. We arrived at her house, the only thing that I could notice was that she had a very wide door and a long corridor that led to some stairs that directed you to her room, for moments I believed that this person had kidnapped me, but it is complicated to think that someone so pretty is capable of doing that, when I ask her why we came here, I only notice in her face an enormous frustration and she began to cry, I did not know exactly what to do, I just sat next to her on top of her bed and put her head on my shoulder, told her everything would be fine, although in my mind I didn't even know if anything had to be fine. After this day which was a strange one for me, talking to her was not so complicated for me now, although sometimes I stuttered when I came to talk and she looked into my eyes, a sensation I had never felt before.

Chapter 3 The Moment of Truth:

When something leaves you with doubt, it is difficult to get it out of the house, at least that is my case, minute after minute I have been thinking why she reacted this way but I did not want to be reckless enough to ask her about it, followed by several days of these thoughts I did not have to ask her, since the truth was getting closer and closer to me, that girl, tender, sweet and with the prettiest smile I have ever seen in my life was in big trouble, something her father did and that consequently torments her too. Her father had been a friend of the great leaders of the drug trade, their friendship came from their relationship in the work aspect, since they were dedicated to the same thing, one being the head of everything and keeping unnoticed by the FIB and other special agents, that explained why their house was so huge, you might ask, how I found out about this, it was in the worst way, with some mercenaries who went to school in search of the girl who was becoming the girl of my dreams, I would never imagine that the girl of my dreams was the daughter of one of the most important people in the drug business, it would be a very uncomfortable presentation with my future father-in-law, well I continued, mercenaries arrive shooting at the sky, in that small instant I began to see everything in slow motion, the beating of my heart and its constant acceleration, my mind and my body agreed that she would instantly run away from the school, but my heart felt something, and in a blink of an eye I was inside the school, going to biology class 3 where she was, I never knew at what moment my mind and my body made that decision, but I was already there, with her, as I arrive I see her under a table with all her classmates in the same way, I stretch out my hand to her and tell her to follow me, she blindly trusted me, I took her where I knew there was nothing where she could be safe and nothing would happen to her, but at that moment I didn't know that the people who were there with guns were coming for the girl I was with, without knowing it I had gotten into the lion's den, even though it really seemed that I was already in her throat. Being with her out of the blue I see that she pulls out a different cell phone than the one I was used to seeing, when suddenly she dials her dad and says "They are here" with tears between her eyes, and hangs up, she tells me, "it's very difficult to explain, but my family is in serious trouble and probably because of this now you are too" I know that that wasn't my fight, I was not afraid to be with her, it was completely the opposite, she gave me the security that I had lacked in a long time and that was completely worth it. I don't know how my mother would have felt about me doing this, but there was nothing left to do. In a complete moment of silence, a police siren began to be heard in the distance, at which point her panicked face changed in an instant and she gave me a hug. It is strange to imagine the new and quiet one with the prettiest girl in school, it seemed like a cliché to me, but it was the cliché I wanted to live in this moment. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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