Sweetest Victory

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Hi Best Friend!

I woke up today with a headache probably because I went to bed in the wee hours of the morning or I overslept. I squinted at the round lavender wall clock opposite my bed and saw it was already a little after 10am. I also noticed my phone was buzzing. I answered Ben's call and realized he was calling me since 8:30! I quickly apologized and told him I was way fast asleep to even hear the phone. He said to not worry because they also stayed up late last night after the party. He then invited me to have brunch with them again but this time in the warm and cozy dining area next to where we held the party last night. I was told as soon as I have sat down that it has been raining since early this morning so it's best to be indoors. That's British weather for ya, they said.

All three of them have begun eating their favorite breakfast meals - Aunt Tilly has her oatmeal with fruits and soy milk, Uncle Ron has his own brand of whole grain cereal with nonfat milk and honey, while Ben has his usual breakfast of champs consisting of three slices of buttered toast, baked beans, black pudding, three sausages, 4 rashes of bacon and 2 sunny side up eggs. Yes, that's all his. He's like a growing child or something and he never ever gain weight! I didn't even have to serve myself with anything. One of the cooks came out with a warm plate filled with my favorite garlic fried rice, two rashes of bacon, two sausages and scrambled eggs along with a French press-style coffee maker and a cup that I can serve myself with.

We all ate in silence but Aunt Tilly couldn't help notice I was just looking at my plate without saying anything and heaving deep sighs. She asked if I am alright as I seem to be upset. I lifted my head and shook it. I paused and heaved another sigh. "Aunt Tilly... I... I received a call from my supervisor in Manila last night... Our client, the boss in Australia, has announced we are being made redundant... and I just lost my job..." I said stuttering and tears were welling up in my eyes. I couldn't hold it in anymore so I grabbed my napkin from my lap and blew my nose in it. They all gasped and Ben almost choked on his meal. "WHAT?!?" Ben couldn't wrap his head on what I've just said. "Hang on... You were there a few months ago! We met you there when they sent you for training. And now they're just letting all their staff go? Bloody hell! They probably have been struggling for a while now but couldn't get back on top of their finances! What a shame! Tsk! Tsk!" He commented as he clicked his tongue in disgust.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Karen." Uncle Ron, who is usually silent or seldom speaks to me, remarked, his face looks as deadpan as he could, no emotions whatsoever. It's like listening to an AI (like Siri) reading your phone messages. "Sometimes things happen like this in business. There are other options that you can explore and do. Well, I'm not going to spoil it for you..." he added as he took a bite off a piece of toast. The last two sentences seemed odd to me. Other options that you can explore and do...? What does that mean? I guess I'm too confused to ask. Aunt Tilly reached out her hand and squeezed mine. She said in a motherly affectionate tone, "Don't worry dear. We are here for you." I don't know what to say but I felt like sulking really. The thought of going back home jobless is frightening.

Then came something completely unexpected. As soon as Ben finished his breakfast, he took out his phone and read all the praises and comments of all the guests who came to the party. All of them, both young and old, loved the cake and the desserts. A number of them have now asked the Dohertys to refer them to the bakery where they got all of those. I hung my mouth open as I heard what he's just enumerated. Ben mentioned there's more... They have decided, and just the right timing, to sponsor me to go to a culinary school here in London! We'll be looking for a school that's close to their house then I can accept made-to-order cakes (and pastries) for the family's friends! Eya, surely you can't say no to that! They also are looking at opening a small bakery here at their property.

They were already discussing it before I came down this morning but were a bit reluctant to let me know as I was still working in Manila. But now that I am no longer employed, they figured it's the best they could offer to assist me. I couldn't help but burst into tears. In between my sobs I just said yes and that I would love to study here! Aunt Tilly was the first to stand up and hug me. Then Ben and Uncle Ron followed. I couldn't say thank you enough. I think I'm crying with joy and sadness. It's just a mix of emotions flooding over me. Ben was already on the phone with Charlie to search for the nearest school I can enroll at. He said it doesn't matter how expensive it is, as long as it's close to the mansion, that's the important thing.

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