Crimson Love

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Crimson Love

Why did this happen?
The time and this event
Why did this happen to us?
Why did this happen to you?
Broken promises
You always gave me those
Every. Single. Day.
The same old routine.
"I'll see you tomorrow!"
"I'll bring you to this place!"
"I'll call you after work! I love you!"
The silver moon light shines down upon us as I hold you close to me.
You gave me a crimson rose that night showing that you truly love me.
But I lost something that night that was truly close to me.
I ended up losing you.
You were shot in the chest that night when you gave me the crimson rose that was once white.
You proposed and I said yes.
I remember the words you told me that night before you took your last breath.
"Because my love for you was always crimson."
Now whenever someone asks me how I feel,
I'll just look at them with a smile.

"I'm alright, I'm fine..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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