Chapter 2: The new House

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    I stared up at it. It was big, really big. It was a yellowish color with a brown roof. It had a lot of big windows. At night it looked like it was lit up. It had a beautiful view of the beach and a big yard.

     Everyone rushed inside. Meanwhile, I stood outside staring at the house and thinking of my friends back at home. 

     I woke up on the floor of my bedroom. “Why am I on the floor?” I looked around. “Oh yeah... We are at the new house.” 

     “Honey!” my mom called up the stairs. “Time for school! Hurry or you’re gonna be late!” 

     I put on my favorite pair of jean shorts and my gray and pink striped flower shirt. I got into my car and drove Alex to school. He seemed pretty bummed. We got to the school and I said “Have a good day at school.”

     “I’ll try” he said as he climbed out.

     “Me too...” I said as he walked toward the school.

     I drove myself to school. I sat in the car for a while. I got out and took a deep breath  Finally, I got up the courage to go in.

     After school, my dad picked up Alex from school, so I had nobody, but myself, in the car. It was a long and lonely day. If I would’ve made friends, we would maybe go surfing or something together. Of course, on a friday, I had made no friends.

     “I wish I  could here their voices and see them.” 

     Just then, my phone rang. “I am Titanium!” I picked up the phone and said, “Hello?”

     “Hey!” It was my best friend, Gwen.

     “Oh my gosh! Hi!” As you can probably see I was extremely excited to hear her. 

     “How’s the new house?!” she said as I walked upstairs and sat in my turquoise bean bag chair.

     “Empty, big and pretty cool for a new house. We have an ocean-”

     “I’m sorry. I have to go. I’ll call you on Monday.” Before I knew it she hung up.

     “View...” I put my phone down and slumped down in my chair. I thought that I would hate school now that I won’t see my friends at school anymore. I finally got to talk to one of my friends and it was gone. “Look on the bright side.” I told myself. “Tomorrow, you go surfing!”

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