Chapter 33. The Marauder's Map ☾

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A/N: All familiar content taken from Prisoner of Azkaban pg. 190-198

Dragon was wagging his tail in ecstasy. Hermione had promised to take him with her to watch the Quidditch Match. He would finally get to see his godson fly. He had always hoped to be the one to teach him (he and James used to have fights over the topic), but things had gotten in the way of those dreams. Now, though, he was able to watch proudly as his godson flew in the sky, not a care in the world.

He could also admit that his cousin was a decent flyer as well, and an excellent chaser. He smiled thinking about his godson and cousin. They really were good friends, and they balanced each other out so well. Draco was the one to keep Harry on track with schoolwork and the like, while Harry reminded the blond to have fun. They also cared for each other in a way only brothers could. In fact, the two reminded him a lot of James and himself.

Dragon's heart nearly stopped, however, when Harry fell off his broom. He was glad to know Remus and Dumbledore were there to save the boy, but he was also glad Draco had the presence of mind to save the broom.

When the match was over (they had won, this time), Hermione, Harry, and Draco went off to the Room of Requirement. Dragon followed along gaily. Hermione was furious.

"Harry was plummeting to his death and your first thought was 'Save the Broom'?" Hermione lectured. Draco rolled his eyes.

"He didn't die last time. Professor Lupin and Dumbledore were there to keep anything from going wrong. This way, we still have our seeker and his broom. I didn't much fancy the idea of looking around for splinters all afternoon." Draco drawled. Dragon turned into Sirius.

"Great catch, Prongslet! You're even better than James was!" Sirius congratulated. Harry blushed.

"I knew I would pass out soon from the dementors, so I figured I should catch the snitch quickly. This way, Cedric isn't complaining that it was an unfair match and that we should hold a rematch." Harry explained.

"Cedric Diggory seems like quite the 'Prince Charming', doesn't he?" Draco teased. Hermione looked off into the distance.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised Cho was in love with him." She agreed. Draco looked jealous.

"Who's Cho?" Sirius asked. Before any could answer, the door opened. Sirius changed back into Dragon in a flash. Luna came traipsing in, followed by an irate Remus. He went straight to Draco.

"Of all the things you could have done, you went after the broom? Harry could have died!" Remus scolded. Draco looked unaffected.

"But he didn't. I knew you were there. I knew you would protect him. I was just thinking of the fact that Harry would kill me if I let his broom get destroyed in the Whomping Willow, where it seemed to be headed." Draco informed the werewolf. He calmed down slightly.

"As long as you were thinking about Harry, as well." Remus decided. Luna went and hugged Harry.

"I'm glad you're alright Harry!" She exclaimed. Harry smiled widely and accepted the hug willingly. Remus rushed over to Harry, pulled him out of his hug with Luna, and began checking him over.

"Remus, I'm fine." Harry promised the overbearing wolf. Remus huffed.

"You fell seventy feet in the air, Young Man. You could have died!" Remus worried. Harry sighed.

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