Spring - First Encounter

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"Do you think it's alright to do this to him?" a woman asked in the room next door. "I mean, Anata, he's my baby."

Her husband glanced over at his precious only son in the other room, carefully meticulously building something from his blocks. "I think he'll be fine. After all, he's a Hibari, and the elder really wants him as the heir. If we want to do what is best for Kyoya, we'll let him decide himself."

"He's only FIVE!"

"...He'll be just fine..."

The man walked into the room and scooped up his young son. "Kyo-chan, let's go," he said.

Kyoya's unmoving gray eyes stared at his father. "Where are we going?"

"We have to go to meet Hibari-sama," Kyoya's father carried him to the other room where his mother stood.

"...what happens if I don't want to?"

His mother fretfully looked at him, but the older Hibari just laughed, ruffling his hair. "Let's go, Kyo," he smiled softly.

They all walked into a courtyard of the Hibari mansion, where an elderly man was seated amongst many men in suits. Seeing the small Hibari, the elder smiled, beckoning him close.

As Kyoya walked closer to the ancient man sitting there, the elder pulled a little girl from behind him. Her dark violet eyes betrayed her fear, her pale skin looking slightly icy in the spring sun. "This is going to be your best friend, Kyo-kun," the Hibari elder smiled endearingly at the young boy, who showed no emotion. "You need to take care of her, okay?"

Kyoya glanced at the girl and startled everyone by grabbing her hand. "You're scaring her..." he said simply, dragging the naive child away with her, dumbfounding all the adults there. Then and there, Kyoya realized he was the only one. The only one who would protect her.

When Kyoya was out of sight, the elder sighed, smiling. "He'll be just fine...They'll be just fine..."

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