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Your POV

You were enjoying your music and you decided to make your way towards the garden in the back, you sat at the corner, it was still afternoon and the clouds were calm, making you relaxed.

Harry's POV

Did she just roll her eyes?” I ask Sam and he nodded.
“But this isn't the Y/N we know, maybe she just came here and need some time, we won't say anything about this to anyone, and as far as I know, Paddy won't say anything to anyone as well” Sam continued.
I nodded, maybe she just needed some time.

Tom's POV

Who was this girl living in Y/N's house, well the girl was good like she had a good body but I didn't get to see her face...I don't care though, I continued my conversation with Lia and Haz, Liala is our best friend, she is cool and is beautiful.
I started to grow a liking towards her, Harrison already has a girlfriend so I don't think he'll be third-wheeling us, Lia is good but something about her is off that's making me think again about asking her out...maybe she wasn't Y/N..?
Oh well no...Y/N won't even come back now will she? There's no way she will but I do miss her, I saw Paddy Running in the house but he does this all the time so I didn't care and continued to talk to them, taking my mind off Y/N...should I try calling her? No, what the hell would I say?.

Your POV

I stopped my music and just looked at the clouds, Sometimes I think what will it feel like to fly among the clouds, leaving everything behind, what does peace feel like...?
I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door opening, the door to the garden, the one that connects the holland house to my house,I tensed up quickly making my bitch face.
I looked over to see Paddy and my expression softened but I looked away.
He closed the door and walked over to me and hugged me, I pulled him away from me, I didn't want to but I had to.

“Y/N/N (your nickname that paddy owns and only he can call you that according to him) It's okay you don't have to pretend anything in front of me” He smiled

“Pr-Pretend what?” you asked

“This (he pointed to your face), acting like you don't care, Y/N/N I can read it, I can feel that you don't want to do this, You better not lie to me or- ” he was cut off when you embraced that tiny boy in a tight hug.

He hugged back, giggling.

After some good seconds, you pulled away.
“I'm sorry” you spoke.
“It's okay, maybe you have a reason idiot”  he laughed.
“oh my God you haven't changed a little you little disrespectful human” you laughed tickling him.
He laughed at you.
“okay okay stoooooopp”, he said and you stopped laughing your ass off. You needed this good laugh.
“So how have you been?” he finally asked and you looked down at your hands.
“miserable, I missed you guys”
“Y/N why didn't you call us anytime”
“I tried Paddy, It was out of reach, and then after a month, I stopped trying, it was of no use... every time it was out unreachable. I missed you..., Harry, Sam, Haz and T-Tom”
You sighed.
“I'm sorry to Y/N, even I didn't try to talk to you, I was hurt that you didn't call us but You did” he smiled sadly.
“So how have you been Pads?”You asked.
“Not good, You weren't here but thank God I had Sam with me, Tom and Harrison have this new girl and she is a bitch to me, I've tried talking to Tom about it but he doesn't believe me, she acts all sweet and innocent when Tom or Harrison are in sight but in reality, she is completely the opposite,” he said.
“language sweetheart, And don't worry, You have me, Now that I'm back” you winked.
“Are you going to leave again?”
“Umm...yeah,” you said and his face dropped.“Nope Pads, I'm staying here ” you laughed and he hugged you.
“I've missed my sister, promise you'll protect me from Liala ”
“I promise, now that I'm here, I'll make sure no one even dares to keep their eyes on you or I'll activate instant kill” you laughed.
{A/N: you see what I did there}

“Oh yeah sure, teddy bear” he laughed.
“aye don't call me that” you laughed and started tickling him again
“Oh, I will TEADDDYYY BEAARRR” He started yelling by now and laughing like crazy.
He started running and you ran behind me.
“Paddy Get your ass here” you laughed at him while running behind him.
“Hhahahahaha the Teddy bear forgot the language rule” he laughed.

When you were a kid, you were scared of teddy bears because of all the horror movies, you thought that they have some ghost in them or what if they'll start talking in the middle of the night and when you were 15 you denied it but then Harrison and Tom decided to prank you badly and you were scared to death...and from then everyone loved to irritate you by calling you “Teddy bear” you were surprised paddy still remembered.

You were both running when you didn't realise the garden door opening, you bumped into someone and you were about to fall when the person caught you, his arm sliding on your waist. You opened your eyes to meet a similar pair of chocolate brown eyes, and your world stopped.
His eyes were still beautiful.
His facial features didn't change much but Puberty hit him like a truck.
He looked much more handsome and my lord, anyone could fall in love then and there.
You quickly pulled away when you felt eyes staring you.
“Hey teddy bear,” he said.
“Hi Tommy,” you quickly replied, coldly.

You looked behind him to see Liala standing there with a shocked face and then behind you to see Paddy still laughing.
“I'm gonna go,” you said and went towards Paddy to kiss him on the cheek.
“Bye Pads, I'll meet you later,” you said.
You walked inside the house and then in your room.
“what the fuck just happened?” you asked yourself.
He literally called me TEDDY BEAR.I'm going to kill him and I replied TOMMY?

Little did you knew,it was a long way to go from now.
And it was finally time to clear all the misunderstandings.

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