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The colorful lights that flashed violently and mixed in with the loud pop music was the first and most annoying thing that you noticed about the party. You wondered why you agreed to come to this setting when instead, you could've been at home celebrating the end of the year with homemade food and TV.

You internally grimaced before your thoughts were interrupted by Gojo's voice.

"Have you started to regret coming here yet, cause I have," he said pulling you closer to him by the waist, "at least I got to see how good you look in that dress."

Your stomach fluttered at his words as you leaned your head back to look at his face. He had personally picked the dress and gave it to you to wear as a gift. You had intially refused but he kept insisting and you eventually gave in. The dress was a gold satin strapless dress that stopped mid thigh. When he first saw you in it, his jaw dropped, he loved how the color complimented your soft skin that he loved and he couldn't help but notice that it hugged you in all the right places.

Gojo's face depicted a look of boredom that was probably similar to your own expression. He turned you around and brought you closer to his chest so he could bring his face down to your ear.

"Ya'wanna get out of here?" he whispered.

You grabbed his face and whispered back, "Yeah, I've been wanting to for a while."

"I could tell, your really easy to read ya'know." he chuckled before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the door onto the sidewalk by the street.

Now you two were walking down the street to your home nearby, your arm looped around Gojo's arm. The cold December air hit you harshly when you first stepped outside and so Gojo quickly took off his jacket and let you wear it. You felt guilty that he was cold because you forgot to bring a jacket but he also quickly reassured you that he didn't mind and that you were more important.

Your shoes crunched through the snow as you walked with Gojo. The stores on both sides of the street had colorful signs and lights that had probably been forgotten to be taken off after Christmas. You enjoyed looking at them and your eyes happily scanned through each and every decoration until they suddenly stopped. Gojo had been admiring your happy and beautiful face while looking at the stores so he also noticed your eyes fixating on the takeout pizza truck. He smiled to himself at your funny behavior.

"You hungry, babe?" he teased.

You jumped out of your trance, startled at his voice but then quickly him on his shoulder.

"Yeah and what about it? It's not my fault the food at the party sucked."

You didn't hear a response but only a chuckle then your hand being pulled. You turned to look back at him to see that he was pulling you to cross the street. You felt a burst of happiness run through you as you realized what he was doing. You also didn't miss the small smile that wouldn't leave his face as he ordered.

After you had gotten pizza, you two had walked home in the snow eating and laughing together. When you had reached your house, you asked him to stay with you for the night but you didn't have to do much convincing as he happily agreed to your request.

He quickly got comfortable as he slumped on your bed and muttered, "I'm exhausted" under his breath. You laughed at him getting frustrated trying to lift the covers.

After taking off your shoes and tying your hair up you walked to the bed. Gojo motioned for you to get in bed with him so you took off his jacket and slipped into the covers next to him.

He moved you so that you were resting your head on top of his chest and that so that he could wrap his arms around your waist.  His scent filled your lungs and you fell asleep like that quickly.

This was a short drabble but there is going to be a part 2. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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