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ok This is well overdue. This chapter is dedicated to Pichulzzy for the motivating comments and I'm sorry I forget to update. I remembered your comment today and realized it was from 2 weeks ago :( Enjoy the chappie! (IT TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE!)

Tony Pov

I sat in the lounge with my face in my hands. I heard someone clear their throat and looked up. The crew sat in front of me and looked at me expectantly. They knew when something was up. I explained my situation.

"You have a nephew!"

"Apparently" I said sighing.


"What's he like?"

"I dunno. Private?" I said

"That came out more like a question," Everyone's head turned to see the source of the voice. It was none other than Perseus Jackson in all his glory.

"Not deaf" Natasha noted. He just smiled although it didn't reach his eyes.

"So I believe Introductions need to be made..."

****Time skip named BOB*******

After introductions were made Percy left saying he needed to clear his head. The crew filed out leaving me and Percy alone in the room. He told me he was going to take a stroll by a beach nearby.

"The beach is like an hour away from here, are you going to drive?" I asked.

"Nah I think I'll take a run." I was about to argue but he left before I could say anything. I shook my head. Who knew how hard it was going to be to raise a teenager.


It was surprisingly easy. Percy came back from his run an hour later. He came back a whole different person. His eyes shined and they were filled with something that wasn't there before: determination. When I asked him what happened during his jog, he said it was nothing. The beach apparently helped him calm down or something like that. Before I could say more he shut me down. He seemed to do that a lot. We were having a training session and Percy decided to tag along.

"We will start with daggers, followed by bow and arrow, and hand to hand combat, and finally sword fighting." Natasha said as soon as everyone was gathered there.

"Daggers." she said everyone stood up and followed her where dart boards are. "We need precise aim" She pulled three of her belts and within a second all of them were at the bullseye. Everyone grabbed a dagger. No one reached the bullseye except Clint. Percy who was sitting nearby asked "Can I try? I'm pretty good at daggers." I looked at him strangely but then nodded. He got up and picked up three daggers handling them well. In less then a second all three of them were perfectly in bullseyes on three different boards. We all gaped at him..

"How...?" Natasha asked. He shrugged. "My ex-girlfriend was pretty good at them and I picked up a few tricks." He seemed to blow it off like it was no big deal but I could see the flash of hurt on his face and wistfulness as he talked about her.

"Ok.... Now bow and arrows." Percy sat out on that one claiming he was horrible and had one time missed the target so much he almost hit his instructor in the leg. When we started hand to hand combat Percy stood up and joined us. We partnered up. Percy got Natasha, who promised to go easy on him. He nodded and they got onto the mat. Percy got into a perfect stance causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow.

Everyone stopped the matches to watch them. They circled each other slowly. Natasha threw a weak punch testing Percy but Percy easily dodged it. Natasha tried again except a much better punch. PErcy caught her fist and judo flipped her like it was no big deal. Everyone stared at him in shock

He looked at us weirdly. "What?"








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