Chapter 1

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tw: body shaming, blood 

rewrite: 10/12/21 

 Keigo is a model. He is also a known person who dreams that he would find his own lover and alpha. 


Scene one:

Keigo: "I'm running from the paparazzi right now I'll have to call you later" I told my agent ' how am I going to out run them they finally found out about... ' oh hey guy i didn't see you there if your wondering what happened well get back to that at a later scene but right now I must introduce my self.

In his mindscape

Okay now that we're somewhere private I can introduce myself. I am Keigo Takami. I'm 20 years old. I'm an omega A class. Specifically, we are very rare and most of us are sold to the highest bidder but I was raised in a very rich family so I never really had to worry about that. The only thing I was worried about was who was going to marry me. Yes we were very rich but my family still wanted more money. But N e way here is a little about my past.

flash back

My mom ( Emiko Takami) -this is just a name I made up- and my dad Mabayui takami were fashion designers. Everyone that knows us thinks I'm a stuck up child and spoiled but I'm not. My mom says I'm thick for a male omega. There was one time she told me to stop eating so I could lose weight and she would wax all my hairs and even my you pubic hairs and complain about how Alphaś don't want an omega that's even a little hair nothing can have hair not even my poop hole like that hurts just imagine getting you poop hole all the way up to my girl part waxed the pain is unbelievable. She told me that I was being child-ish when she ripped some of my skin off my holes BOTH HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO TEAR MY SKIN OFF COMPLETELY FROM MY BOOT HOLE TO MY GIRLY HOLE. my father had to take me to the hospitable after while my mom said "you'll live it not even that bad it's just some blood" my father was furious " just some blood JUST SOME FREAKING BLOOD EMEKO YOU RIPPED HIS FREAKING SKIN OFF WHAT IF I DID THAT TO YOU HUH I'M SO TIRED OF YOU DOING THIS TO HIM DID YOU EVEN ASK IF HE WANTED THIS!?!?" my mom couldn't say anything because she knew he was right " I DON'T NEED TO KNOW IF HE WANTS IT OR NOT I AM HIS MOTHER AND I KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM" then all hell broke loose and from yours truly ¨ mom dad please I just want to go to the hospital so I can get fixed and be away from I-I hate you-so much you do this to me and still can't admit that you were wrong you hurt me so many time from waxing to saying I should stop eating because i have hips and thighs-" she said WHAT EMEKO YOU ARE JEALOUS OF YOUR OWN SON WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU " HE SHOULDN'T BE THICKER THEN HIS MOTHER THAT SHOULD BE MY FIGURE MINE ...YET HE HAS THE BEST FIGURE IN THE HOUSE I DO NOT THINK SO NO HE WILL BE GIVING IT ALL TO ME WHEN HE GOES TO GET HIS NEXT CHECK UP I WANT IT I WANT IT AND YOU CAN STO---the next thing I know we crashed into a tree.

End of Flashback

( he's this thick no type of hair not even the chin hair. ) 


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