chapter #1 - New friend

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Heyyy, it's my first story so...🥶😱 DONT JUDGE plz.. enjoy😈🙃💥

Tsukishima isn't mention in this fist chapter but he'll be in the second one;)

Y/N's P.O.V

Walking around the street alone wasn't the first for me. Even at the age of 12, my parents still continued to fight since as long as I can remember. "Get off the swing pizza face!" A young boy shouted from a park while I try to escape my parents. "Yeah, it's my turn now Yama-coochie!" I see a scrawny green haired boy, looking to be the same age as me, get shoved off the swing. struggling to get up, he was pushed down again landing in a heap of sand. As I watch the three bullies surround him pointing and laughing I think, " This reminds me off my mother towards my dad, since I cant help their relationship from collapsing, might as well try and make a friend instead"

Yamagishi's P.O.V

My eyes were blurry from the tears starting to stream down my face, but I managed to wipe them off along with the sand on my pants. "W-What do you want beanpole?" one of the boys said to the towering girl that was approaching us. "whatever.... jerks." she said with a light smirk on her face as she shoved them out of the way to help me up. "Who are you anyway?". One of the other boys asked her. "why should I tell you?" She looked back and glared at them making me feel nervous.


"tch" one of the boy said then gestured his head to leave. My eyes follow them until they all disappeared. I turned my attention back to the freckled boy, that was sitting back on the ground with his head on his knees. " Hey, are.. you ok?" I asked putting my hand out to help him up, genuinely concerned for him. Silence broke out for a few seconds. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and took my hand. "Y-yeah... thanks a lot" he said standing up and sniffling between every word. "My name is Y/n L/n." I happily cheered trying to lighten up his mood, which made him smile. "Wow.. his smile is so precious". " M-m my name is Tadashi Y-Yamaguci, and I'm in middle school!" he grinned again which made my heart squeeze. "Same here!" I felt the heat rushing into my cheeks. Wiping his tears off his face, you asked if he wanted to walk home with you. He instantly nodded his head in joy.

"So, where do you live?" he askes me while we starting to walk.

"I actually just moved here yesterday." I say pointing to the house around the corner that has boxes and a truck in front of it, he was shocked and said that his house was right next to mine. My heart jumped a beat again and I softly smile at the thought of having a new friend as my neighbour.

"so, is your name really Yami-coochie?" I giggled.

"oh no.. hope he didn't hear me say that. What if he starts crying again. Damn, I'm such a jerk " Worry spread across my face.

He started to get red from embarrassment " no-no-no, that's just a nickname they call me to make fun of me." I could tell that he was hurt from those other assholes. So I try to cheer him up by thinking of a better nickname. "Can I call you Yams instead? if that's ok with you of course" You say, his face slightly blushing."I'd like that"

When we arrived outside our houses, I hear my parents still arguing, Yamaguci obviously noticed the growing frown on my face as my eyes begin to fill with tears. "I-If it makes things better, you could stay over at my house for dinner... that's if you want," he stuttered while looking down. "Sounds good!" my face lit up with happiness which did not go unnoticed by my new friend.

3rd person view

"Aww" he thought smiling.

Walking through the doors of Yamagishi's house, his mother greeted you with a great big smile.

"Hello there, I'm y/n," You bow then take your shoes off. Tadashi asked his mother if you could stay for dinner. She happily replied with "Yes of course!" He walked you up towards his room happily and you guys chatted about anything that was on each of your minds until his mum yelled, "Dinner is ready!"

Y/N's P.O.V

When his mum called the both of us down for dinner we excitedly jump up and down the stairs to the dinning room. On the table there was a bowl of katsu-udon with a side of rice. "I haven't had a meal this good looking in forever." "Time to eat" he exclaims clapping him hands together with a big smile. "Thanks for the food." I say doing the same. "Wonder if mother or dad have noticed I'm gone yet" I think as I shovel another spoonful of rice in my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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