My story (logan pov)

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Everytime someone ask why I'm apart of sway, my heart breaks a little. My dead mother isn't here to see my success and my father doesn't tell people I'm his son. It's even sadder when your parents are in the public eye, at least in my situation

My father fakes his age, but it's ok I guess. He gives me everything I want, well besides admitting that his blood makes up my DNA.
I'm not sure why my father got with my mother in the first place. He was going to be a pro soccer player at Yale but I ripped his future from him. He got famous for his looks, I guess looking ten years younger can really help in this case. He wasn't a deadbeat, he still stuck around. He attended all my mascot games and dragged me from sway house to sway house. When my mother he took me in, he put me in the public eye and really gave me something to live for.

My mother was an icon before her problematic faze. She had her own makeup line and really set a path for females! She guided me to do what ever pleased me wether it was dancing, hair cutting, or even soccer, she just wanted me to be happy. Once she had me her and my dad broke things off, that's when she started seeing Tony. He was a terrible influence, my mother was always partying, drinking, and getting canceled left and right! The only thing she wasn't doing was taking care of me, she left me home with my nanny Yolanda. My mom got canceled for blackfishing and changing races each Instagram post at a time, but she never addressed it formally and only made jokes. She was finally getting back on track and for her 10 million Instagram follower milestone, she decided to skydive, her worst fear. That's when the tragedy happened...

My mom filmed her days leading up to the scariest moment of her life and when the day finally came, she filmed that to. I can still hear her voice "Oh my god this is so scary! Logan and Tony I love you! Wish me good luck!" Those were the last words she ever said to me. She boarded the plane and left me and Tony at the expected landing. She jumped out of the plane and tried to pull her parachute and I didn't work, according to her autopsy.

It broke me. I remember the headlines and everything, just thinking about the situation again made me tear up. My dad realized I needed him more then ever and finally took me in, but not as his son. But as a possible sway boy, which I never wanted to be.


@Tiktokroom: #TTR VIRAL NEWS Nikita Dragun is dead 😪 this is devastating and we ask for you to keep her family in your prayers 🙏🤎🙌

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@Tiktokroom: #TTR VIRAL NEWS Nikita Dragun is dead 😪 this is devastating and we ask for you to keep her family in your prayers 🙏🤎🙌


@User: she was problematic af but this is so sad

@Tonylopez: thank you so much

@User: anyways what's your favorite 1D song?

@User: is this fake

@Noahbeck: rip to a beautiful soul! I will miss you so much😪 thank you for always being there for me🙌 I love you Nikita ❤️

@User replying to @noahbeck: Y'all barely knew each other 🙄

Nikita Dragun being my mother and Noah beck bring my father, really just rocks my world

I miss her

(In this story Nikita can get preggers! I have nothing against the trans community, xx me)

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