You Don't Want To Break Things Off?

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Instead of going home after his first day he decided to go to his old home. It was a risk running into Frank but he wanted to tell Debbie about his first day in person. When he got there he flopped down onto the couch with a sigh. The job was easy but it had been a long time since he had to wake up early and be an adult.

Not to mention his mind going a mile a minute thinking about meeting Mickey tonight. Was it a date? Were they just fucking again? Was it strictly a meeting or was he gonna tell Ian they couldn't see each other outside of work again. He honestly didn't know but he said one of his men would be picking Ian up, he assumed they would ask where he was but he really hoped Mickey wasn't calling things off, he couldn't be, not with the way he acted when they were alone.

Ian shifted onto his side, the news channel on the TV fading into the background as his eyes slid closed, his thoughts going to Mickey and their night together and that goddamn half kiss today. Ian could still taste his tongue, or he was just being obsessive and thought he could still taste Mickey, fuck, he definitely wanted to taste Mickey- Ian's thought were cut off by a loud shriek.

"Jesus, Debbie," Ian jumped up rubbing his ear.

"Ian for fucks sake, the least you could do is announce your presence, you scared me. How was your first day?" She asked, flopping down onto the couch next to him. Ian sighed and leaned back, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

"It was...intense," Ian offered wondering if he should tell her about Mickey.

"Well, give me some details," She practically squealed.

"You know how Friday Frank and I got into it so I just took off?" Ian asked waiting for Debbie's nod before continuing, "I went out to this place on the northside-"

"You didn't drink did you?" Debbie cut him off with a disapproving scowl.

"Do you wanna hear the story or not?" Ian asked, Debbie rolled her eyes and made a show of zipping her lips and motioning for him to continue.

"I hooked up with this guy. It wasn't the reason I went out but this guy he was fucking amazing and I couldn't have turned him down even if I wanted to," Ian started again, sighing again.

"Uh-huh," Debbie nodded.

"Well, I think I fell in love a little bit that night," Ian confessed, his mind going back to Friday night Mickey's lips on his, his tongue in his mouth, his soft skin, those warm hands touching him, how he tasted and moaned Ian's name when he was inside of him-

"Ow, the fuck Debs!" Ian snapped looking over at his sister when she hit his arm but she just shrugged

"You zoned out. So, who is this guy? What does he have to do with your first day?" Debbie asked, turning more to face her brother.

"I found out we're gonna be working together," Ian answered, still frowning at his sister for hitting him.

"No way, who is he?" Debbie asked, full gossip mode.

"My boss," Ian answered sheepishly.

"Is he high up? One of the governor's men?" Debbie asked a bit too excited but it was amusing to Ian.

"Uh, no, the man himself,"  Ian confessed watching realization in Debbies eyes as they widened.

"You slept with the governor. The Mickey Milkovich?" Debbie whisper-yelled at him.

"Yes, Jesus," He exclaimed, moving away from her when she slapped his arm again.

"Bullishit you fucked Milkovich," Lip scoffed, walking in from the kitchen.

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