Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Mariah

Chapter 4-

            Within an hour, Adraco and his family arrived at a massive sandstone arch, with a wooden door beneath it, symbols carved along the front of the arch indicating of what lay beyond it. Sem noticed the symbols and stopped outside the door as Adraco walked inside it to a large wooden portcullis. “Sasem's? We’re going…to Sasem's?” She groaned disapprovingly and followed Adraco inside, walking into a large courtyard that was set in front of a massive Keep. She gazed around cautiously, holding Ibsin close to her.

            “Why did we come here? You know how much I despise these killers…” she muttered to him as he looked around, hoping to find a friend. He soon recognized his friend, standing near the fighting circle and shouting tips and hints to the Recruits. He walked up and clapped his claw on the man’s shoulder. “Good to see you Mentor,” he grinned. Mentor Gresh turned around, smiling cheerfully as he shook Adraco’s claw. “And it’s good to see you too Brother Aderaso.” Gresh was in his mid-thirties at the time, his yellow scales a brilliant sun-gold, his eyes that of shiny brass. Gresh stopped, his smiling fading as he saw Sem. “Sema…always a pleasure” he nodded to her, not wanting to approach her and make her more uncomfortable than she already was. “I see you finally made her yours my friend,” he chuckled. Gresh put an arm around Adraco’s shoulder and turned him away from Sem, who huffed and contently kept Ibsin amused by talking to him. “But tell me Brother…this is not the only reason you came here, yes? To show me your wife, and son? There must be another reason…” he eyed Adraco carefully, used to the usual antics of having to help his friend out of most problems over the years. Adraco nodded and sighed, “You must help me Mentor…the Council has framed me for the assassination of King Bulga…” Gresh shook his head in astonishment, “What? What would they do that?” Adraco brought his gaze up from the ground to his mentor’s. “Because…they believe we are nothing but a group of thieves and killers, words from Head-Councilman Balmond.” Gresh let out a low growl of hatred and gave Adraco a light shove. “And you have the audacity to come here? Right to our stronghold, and lead them right to us?! You have single-handedly compromised us!” Adraco looked at him out of shock, his mouth gaping slightly as he was at a loss for words. “You need to leave here at once, before they find us all!” Gresh shouted at him, not caring for the sights he was getting from the guards and Recruits. “B-but Mentor..” Adraco tried to say, but he was cut off by Gresh holding his claw up. “No! I don’t want to hear it! Just take your family and leave!” Adraco growled and stormed off, taking Sem’s claw and pulling her behind him as he walked out of the castle and off into the city once more.

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