New Lunchmate?

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Crystal was in line in the cafeteria. The café is serving spaghetti for lunch. Crystal looked at the lady spoon soggy noodles and watered-down tomato sauce on the students' trays. The tomato sauce contained pieces of turkey. 

The same student who lowkey sympathized with her was behind her. He tapped her shoulder; she turned around. "I saw the mess you put up with in class earlier."

"Lemme guess: You wanna join in...?"

"No. I wanna tell you not to worry about them. I will say that I've been there. As you can see, I'm a descendant of the Aura people, too."

He showed her his garnet gem. "I wear this to keep my Aura powers in check. I'm Kuro Kodora, by the way."

"Crystal Sapphirwitz."

"Wanna sit by me, Crystal?" 


The two strolled to the blue table, where Kuro's Charmander is waiting, napping on top of the blue surface. His Charmander snored like a baby. (Maybe it's reaming of eating Wooloo or something?)

"Charmander," Kuro called out. "Off the table, man."

The Lizard Pokémon looked up to see its Trainer. It rose up and jumped of the table as if Kuro was a drill sergeant. When Kuro sat, Charmander walked up to him and Crystal. It looked sideways at Sapphirwitz. "Char?"

"This is Crystal," Kuro explained. "She's our new table mate. Our first one, too." 

The two sat across from each other. Kuro started out the conversation. "Tell us about yourself." 

"Weeeeeeell, I'm from the Sapphire Kingdom, where Aura people live," she responded. "Anytime I tell people that, they laugh at me and call me a baby. Plus, nobody wanted to share a dorm with me."

"Do you have any Pokémon?"

"I have a Riolu, but he's in my dorm room. He's probably cleaning till he can't anymore. Even though I always clean up. He cares a lot about me. To the point where he'll prank any girls that prank or make fun of me."

Kuro cracked open a Koko-Cola (refence to Coca-Cola). He slurped like he was drinking hot coffee or something. "So it's ability is Prankster?" he joked.

Crystal chuckled a bit at the quip. "Nope. Not really; his ability is Steadfast. on top of that, it's a Hasty nature, and it knows Quick Attack, Bulk Up, and Earthquake."

"My Charmander's ability is Blaze. It knows Dragon Dance, Scratch, and Fire Fang. Plus, it's a Pokémon that my father gave me via breeding his Charizard. On top of that, it's a Jolly nature; I gave it a Nature Mint." 

"One time, I ate a Nature Mint -- it was very disgusting." 

"I know! I can't see how Pokémon stomach it! But I wanna be one of the greats. I look up to Alain, Cynthia, Ash, Red, the list goes on. You?"

"I wanna battle Mrs. Cynthia one day, but I know my Riolu'll get his ass handed to..." She stopped and laughed. "Did I?!" 

"Yep, but I don't care if you swear or not. I learned to swear at four! Like, damn!" Kuro laughed at his cursing. He stopped and took a sip of cola. He continued, "So, uh, do have any family?"

She looked down. Memories of her family dying from the poisoning flashed before her eyes. "I-I-I don't wanna talk about it..."


"On the bright side, I can go back to my parents' manor for the holidays, even though they..."

"They what? You can tell me."

"I just..." Tears started dripping from her cheek.

Kuro hugged her, consoling her. "I'm very sorry, Crystal... I don't know how it feels, but I can kinda imagine the pain." 

She dried her eyes. "Thanks for that..."

Kuro threw his Mega Charizard X backpack on the table. He unzipped the bag. It didn't only contain schoolwork, pencils, stuff of that nature, it contained various snacks, such as Sweet Heart chocolates, Lumiose Galettes, etc. "As you can tell, I'm a fan of Mega Charizard X. I even have a Charizardite X at home." 

Crystal looked puzzled. "What's... Mega Evolution?"

"It's a feature than makes Pokémon REALLY strong. So far, only a handful of mons have it, such as Aerodactyl, Charizard, Mewtwo, lucario, Pinsir... I just wish more and more Pokémon have the ability to do so, instead of Dynamaxing and Gigantimaxing nonsense." 

Kuro zipped his backpack back up. "Well, I gotta go to Pokémon science class, where I'll be made fun of for my garnet eyes and garnet gem." 

"You take that class, too?" *beat* "Wait for me!"

The two rushed to Mr. Gravinski's class, which is in the 1st grade wing. Kuro didn't like being late for anything, which is why he sped on. He grabbed Crystal's hand while running. "I can't be late!" 

Crystal's Chronicles, a Pokémon: Aura Warriors StoryWhere stories live. Discover now