I Hope you're Happy~ Mar.C

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Narrators POV
Mar and Lilli seemed to be the most happy and lively  couple. They used to be happy at least but it all changed when Lilli caught Mar with another girl. You see Lilli was the innocent type that didn't do much. She liked to go on walks with her dog while blasting Pop Smoke or The Neighborhood. Overall she had a very positive outlook on life but then Mar came to her school. He was transferring from Canada. Mar was the kid that every girl dreamed about talking to or dating but Lilli was different she didn't pay no mind to him. Although Lilli was completely oblivious of Mar existence, Mar was quite fascinated by her he would ask the few new friends he made at that school about her. Everyone would describe her as hard to get or that's she weird. Few days pasted Lilli still didn't pay attention to Mar and Mar kept on trying to get to know her more from other people. Then the day came that changed everything Mar was handed a dare from Jacob, one of his friends. Mar's dare was to simply get in her pants and then leave her like nothing happened. He was going to fulfill the dare but what he didn't know was he was about to lose the one person that cared about him the most.
Lilli's POV
Hi, my name is Lilli, I am currently 17 years old and live in Malibu, California. I have a dog named Buzz, he is a white fur golden retriever. He was named after the character from Toy Story because I simply thought it was cute. My mom and dad gave me up for adoption so I'm living with this family of four. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with them I would just like to be with my own family. People think I'm weird or a freak but truth is I just like to be by myself, I listen to music to contain my self from exploding at people. Today was they day we go back to school yay we get new people *yuck* and I also have to walk around the school with people who think they are hot stuff. Anyways enough with that let me get ready because I can't be late unfortunately.
Mar's POV
Hi, my name is Mar, I have recently moved to Malibu from Canada. Well I've liked California ever since I've been here it's just a new scenery. I'm afraid  of going to a new school because I don't know anybody at the new school. I have a huge following on this app called TikTok and it's very entertaining especially the teenage girls who always flirt with me. Anyways I have to start school today so I'm gonna go get ready.
Lilli's POV
So I've made it to school and there is a big fuss going around about this suppose kid named "Mar," literally there is girls going around saying "he is so hot," or "I'd let him hit it for free." I'm pretty sure he can't be that cute cause almost every guy here is ugly.
*time Skip to Biology*
Well I just made it to first block which is Biology but I think the new kids gonna be here. Speaking of the devil I guess he just arrived because all the girls are making heart eyes at him.
Teacher- Okay class today we have a new student which you've probably already seen. Please welcome Mar.
Mar- Hi everyone my names Mar and I've just recently moved here from Canda. I also can't wait to get to know you all.*winks*
Teacher- I'm so glad to have you here Mar. Please go sit next to hmm...... Lilli. Lilli please raise your hand.
* inner thoughts *
Fuckkkkk. This stupid bitch ughhhhh.
[raises hand]
This is going to be hell........

Uh hey I'm back haha. Sorry I done ghosted y'all and haven't posted in awhile. Anyways I might upload a valentines tragedy one with Vinnie later on tonight!!

Sad Imagines~ Vinnie.H, Mar.C, Alejandro.R, and Kairi.CWhere stories live. Discover now