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Non proof read and yes it's because I'm too lazy to do it (>_<)

"My turn" Hoseok giggles sipping his orange juice , yoongi smirks "ok sunshine , truth or dare" he asks , hoseok does his little thinking face then answers "dare"

"Shouldn't have done that sunshine" yoongi chuckled darkly , the smile slipped off of the boy's face "I dare you to make out with Jimin" yoongi smirked swirling his drink before taking a sip , hoseok gasped using one of his hands to cover his mouth

"N-no I can't" he shook his head violently "you have to seokie it's a dare" yoongi sighed , hoseok gulped "b-but jiminie is my f-friend" he bit his inner cheek placing his orange juice on the coffee table "it's fine , it's just a dare" yoongi Assures him

"O-okay" hoseok got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to Jimin , his cheeks flushed red

I don't think I can do this
He thought to himself

But I have to , it's a dare........jeez I shouldn't have played this game
He breathed out through his nose

"you owe me a kiss sunshine" Jimin pulled the younger down on his lap so hoseok was now straddling him

Before hoseok could utter a single word jimin's soft lips were already on his , they molded together perfectly, going in sync , jimin's hands went up to hoseok's back to support him and the other on his cheek slowly stroking it

Jimin slowly bit down on hoseok's bottom lip asking for access which the younger gladly gave him "hmm" Hoseok hummed as Jimin lapped his tongue around his wet cavern tasting ever inch of him "j-Jim-in" he let out a muffled moan

Completely lost in the kiss Jimin's hands ran from hoseok's lower back to his milky thighs slowly stroking them , going further up each time

The others watched the scene before them partially ignoring how uncomfortable their pants felt at the moment, at this point they were at war with themselves whether they should stop them or let them carry on , the've never seen hoseok like that , the lewd moans coming from him were enough to make them want to fuck him right there

"H-hyung" Hoseok moaned moving his hips back and forth grinding on jimin's erection "fuck" Jimin groaned slipping his hand under hoseok's skirt squeezing his plump ass giving the others a peek at the younger's mesh panties

jimin was the first to pull away starring into hoseok's innocent orbs breathing heavily , after the fraction of a second their lips crashed together

Hoseok's hand found its way under jimin's shirt feeling his toned abs , before it could go any further an alarm rung throughout the room

Time was up

They immediately pulled apart

then it slowly sunk into hoseok's head what he had just done , he slowly climbed off of Jimin fixing his skirt that rode up when Jimin was fondeling his ass

Hoseok's face was so red if they turned off the lights you'd see them glowing

he unconsciously licked his lips immediately tasting Jimin "umm......I-I think it's time I g-go to bed I-I have school tomorrow" he awkwardly scratched the back of his head , they hummed

Somehow hoseok eyes wondered to jungkook's crotch and he saw the tilt in his pants , his eyes widened . He quickly got up and speed walked up the stairs avoiding everyone's lustful stare

"W-Was jungkook......turned on by me and J-Jimin making out?" He asked himself as he entered his room , he closed the door and slid down with his back against it "n-no that was just my imagination" he gulped "w-why would he b-be turned on?" He began playing with his fingers

"Mickey ! you will not guess what just happened" hoseok whispered shouted when he saw his dog wagging his tail running to him "I made out with Jimin" he confessed

"I know he's my friend but it was a dare , I had to do it Mickey" he bit his lip , the dog barked in response "I know , I'm an idiot I shouldn't have done it" he sighed

"but............I liked it"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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