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This story is about two strangers who didn't even know each other

Yoongi was living his best life with the love of his life jungkook


Jimin was living his best life with the person he thought loved him


When two people meet out of nowhere and are in the same place at the same time

Does anything really happen

Not really

But in this story things are different and crazy for everyone in it

Nobody really thinks what could happen when you walk by someone and never really thinks about it

For this plot

it's going to have two main people the ship which is yoonmin and then two other people which are

Taehyung and jungkook

So at the time Yoongi and jungkook together.

They get ready to go on this long trip which is a Cruise around.

Buttttt Jungkook is a professional dancer so he rushes off the boat after getting a phone call from an agency that they have been wanting to work with for their whole life.

But when jungkook get off the boat Yoongi doesn't know jungkook left.....

Jimin happens to have a room down the hall from them

A has a lover as well but their lover is using them for money and things but Jimin doesn't know it.

Jimin leaves to go explore the boat while their lover left them alone to go flirt with another person that was on the boat.

Yoongi sees Jimin lover with another person walking into the room so Yoongi walks over kicking his phone under the door and recording it before going to lunch with Jimin without telling jimin one bit of what happen


You'll have to read to find out what I'm hiding now

Sorry loves I got to keep something hidden now

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