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(3 POV)
June 21, 2017

Jimin was just waking up for a normal day of his life

Which usually was

Shower, breakfast, work, lunch, more work, and then the end of hisday

Jimin didn't care for much as long as he was getting what he needed to be done and making many people near him happy to the most he could

Tae walked behind him slowly and smiled as they stood in the kitchen

"It's good to see you up now I usually have to beg you to get up"

Jimin said softly as he made some food and coffee

Tae rolled his eyes a little and turned away shaking his head

"Do you ever stop complaining just be happy I got up for once to have some shit with you"

Tae said and turned away shaking his head and sat down on the table looking through some of the mail that was on the table

"Maybe it's best you go back to bed that's the only good thing you do"

Jimin said and grab his bag and left the house without saying another word to him and shook his head

"It's just the morning and he's tried that's all"

Jimin said making excuses for Tae to help himself.

Once Jimin got to the company he walked in holding a bag full of everyone's coffees that he had to get for the day

Jimin rushed up to the elevator and took it to the top floor before getting pushed out and into a crowd of people wanting their drinks

"Okay okay sorry they're two minutes late"

Jimin said and bowed a full 90 degrees

Tae didn't do anything after the other left before going back to the bed and sat down on Jimin's bed since he didn't own his place

" A fucking bitch, is what he is"

Tae says to himself and leaned back texting someone he was used to hooking up with behind Jimin's back to see if they were able to come down and do something.

Jimin got to his desk after a little and sat down thinking for a second before pulling out his notebook

~note to self~

Mornings are hard so don't overthink the day know he loves you and cares for you no matter what happens just enjoy the day and try to make things better. What matters the most is that he loves you and that he is happy that's all.


Jimin wrote out to himself before putting his notebook away and sighed softly grabbing the stack of papers that he needed to finish filling out to be sent off

"Okay now let's work"

Jimin said to himself and leaned back a little filling out a few of the worksheets and paperwork that needed to be done to send out for the product to be reviewed more

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