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Nathalie wants to confess her feelings for her boss 'Gabriel Agreaste',but she doesn't want to replace Emilie as his wife that is what making her nervous 'Is he going to shout at me? Or hit me with a bottle? Or put me in his book,again!? Please I'm begging,I wish no of those thing will happen.' she thought.


'Ok Nathalie,go confess to him so this confession plan will never give you nightmares!' she thought "Uhm.. Sir?"she stated "What is it?" he ask "Uhm.. I want to tell you this sir but I couldn't find the right words, Sir, I see you more than my boss Sir, I.. I love you S-sir." she confessed "You love me?" he inquired "Uhuh." she said while nodding "So you were replacing her, dont you?" he ask her eyes widened "No sir,of course not." she said "Yes you are,what a kind of attitude Nathalie,I trust you more than an assistant,and this how you pay me back,get lost. I dont want to see you around here,ever AGAIN!" he raises his voice at his last word in a phrase causing Nathalie to step backward "I'm sorry sir." she stated coldly but deep inside,she want to cry,let out all the tears she want to let out until all the sorrow wipe out.

She walk down the atelier with her head down low " Ms. Nathalie,is everything alright?" blue colored kwami ask "Do you want me to tell the truth?"Nathalie ask Dusuu "Sure" Dusuu answer "No." she said in cold way "Youwant coffee Ms." little kwami ask "No,I just need some fresh air." Nathalie stated "Dusuu spread my feathers" she say the transformation sentence and jump over the window.

In the other side before, a guilty man look over his gargantuan round window,he rested his palm in the air ready to give the butterfly a dark power, he hardly think if he could akumatize the woman behind him before, the woman who just tell one of her secret for a lifetime, woman who love him with all of her life,who risk her soul just for the sake of his happiness. He felt guilty for shouting at her.' I'm such a jerk.'

/Eiffel Tower/

Mayura sat a the top of the Eiffel Tower sadly,she look around 'Looks like I'm the only one with a broken heart in this 'City of Love' she thought "Well,Why am I being a heartbroken person if I don't even have a heart? That's the point Mayura, you don't have a heart! How dare you to cry because of him! HEARTLESS DON'T CRY!" she cried letting her tears flow on her cheek. Footstep you can hear coming nearer and nearer, she look back to sure it's not him,but the back cat themed hero is the one who's there. She unfold her fan and take one feather and turn it into an amok "If you're going to creat a sentimonster,why don't you creat sentibug again." he said with a sad face,she knows how it felt being heartbroken,but the thing made her shock is that why Chat Noir,a great hero of Paris is a Heartbroken like her. Chat Noir sat down at the edge. Mayura fold her fan turning her amok into a normal feather,and the most jaw dropping happens is Mayura sat on Chat Noir's side "You were heartbroken too?" she ask the teenager hero "Actually,yes she always keeps secret,it's like...she doesn't trust as I do. And I hate secrets!" he answer "World can be cruel sometimes,it will make things worst,a heartbroken things will challenge you, all you need is to be strong,and face them all,just like how I did." she said smiling at him. "You're not that bad huh." he admitted "You are really good at advicing at someone," he added "but.. i heard you before,crying."he whined "Yeah, they say I am good at advicing but," she groaned "I always ended up saying 'How stupid you are Mayura, you're a good adviser but you can't apply it to yourself, you're way to stupid Mayura, you were crying because of him,there's somebody who will love you! Don't be weak stupid,SO STUPID!HEARTLESS DON'T CRY! " she sobbed,he hugs her like how he hugs his mother and father. Her jaw drops when she realize what's happening. Chat Noir, a great hero hugs Mayura, a villain who help Hawkmoth to terrorize their City. "It's ok to cry,crying doesn't mean you're weak,it just the thing that proves that you are strong enough." Chat Noir spoke. Suddenly a yo-yo wrapped around him separating him and Mayura from the hug. "And what brought you here? How's the 'thing you we're up to?'" he ask Ladybug "I said I have some things to do,but I didn't say I'm not going." she stated "That's my M'lady." Chat meowed "And why is she here?" ask Ladybug pointing at Mayura. On Mayura's side she was thinking about him. She try not to cry but fail "Stupid." she sobbed "Mayura,what just I told you! Heartless don't c-cry!" she said in a shaky voice "Mayura,are you ok-" Chat Noir cut his phrase when a cane hit him." Don't you dare to touch her." Hawkmoth stated "Or hurt a single hair of her." he added. "We're not going to hurt her." Ladybug said "You were the one who's hurting her" a teenager girl added "CATACLYSM!" Chat Noir screamed, he run towards Hawkmoth and reaching where's his miraculous is,Hawkmoth close his eyes. He doesn't feel Pain because of the power pf the black cat hero,he feels two arms around his neck, he open his eyes,his eyes widened of what he saw. 'M-Mayura.' he thought. "I l-love you." she between gasp before closing her eyes. "We need to bring her to the guardian." Ladybug stated "Kitty,carry Mayura,Hawkmoth come with me." she added Chat Noir take Mayura from Hawkmoth's arms and said "Once you hurt her again,I'm the one who will destroy you." coldly.

/At the Guardian/

"She will be ok now just wait and she will wake anytime soon." Master Fu stated "Thank for your help Master Fu." Ladybug replied "You're always welcome,Ladybug." he agreed.

"Where's Hawkmoth?" Chat Noir ask chewing croissant "Outside, I ask him why they keep terrorizing the city,and I got the answer." said Ladybug "Master Fu,Hawkmoth wants to keep their miraculous, can they keep it?" ask Ladybug Master Fu nodded "As long as they're not using it for evil,sure they can,but if they keep terrorizing the city,you need to take it away from them for good." Master Fu recieve a smile from Ladybug. "You're way to kind this time bugaboo." Chat stated "I know it,Kitty." Ladybug replied messing Chat Noir's hair.

"Can I come in,I want to make sure she's ok!" someone shouted behind the door. "Sure!" Ladybug answer, Hawkmoth enters the room, he recieve a death glare from Chat Noir,he feels many butterfies in stomach. He look at the woman, who's sleeping
peacefully. He took her hand sniffing it as tears falling down from the pair of his eyes "Please wake up," he pleaded "for me." he added "It was an order Mayura! Wake up!" he cried,he desperately want Mayura to wake up. He gasp when Mayura move her hands "Where Am I?" the first words came from her mouth "Mayura,are you feeling better?" a man in a front of her ask. Some words pop on her mind.



'Heartless don't cry.'

'I love you'

"Y-yes." she replied,she feels like she's the most lucky woman in a world,the way Hawkmoth care about her,a man who rejected her before,now caring about her. "I thought I lost you,I don't want to loose you like I lost her," he cried,she was shock of what he said "I.. I love you,Mayura." he stated "You are the one who teach to move on," he added "to move on from bringing her back,I love you,not because you are here,risking your life for the sake of my happiness,because I love you,the real you" he admitted "So,please Mayura,let me love you like how you do?" he question "You can Hawkmoth,and you will, I love you,forever and ever." she answer "And one last thing." Hawkmoth stated "Can you forgive me,for what I've done to you before,I realized that I, I shouldn't yelled at you like that, I.. I should not jugde you like what I did before,please?" he pleaded with teary eyes. "Yes,I forgive you Hawkmoth, it's my fault,I should not confes-" she cut her phrase when Hawkmoth kiss her lips. She turn into a living blueberry "Someone turn into a blueberry huh." Chat Noir stated

*Beep Beep*

"I'm going to transform back, bye!" Ladybug said
"Bye M'lady!" Chat said,Ladybug kiss him on his cheek that made him blush. "Bye,and thank you." Mayura said while smiling "Well,shall we go now,mon coeur?" Hawkmoth requested "Sure,my love." she responded. He carry her on a bridal style "But I thought we're going home?" she ask "Yes," he answer "but I love you, and I want it to be official." he added, she's confuse "What do you-" she cut her words "I LOVE YOU MAYURA!" he shouted, lots of Parisian's jaw droped and Alya took a video of it. "What are you doing? You're embarrassing me!" she stammered "You're cute when you're embarrased. HAHA" he said laugh at her,she pout "I'm sorry." he apologised kissing her forehead which made her smile 'I will always love this man.' she thought.

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