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Author's note: if you are uncomfortable with abuse and neglect. I would suggest you stop reading this. will be what tesoro childhood was like. and who saved him from it.
POV tesoro

Dad: be useful for once and go get the groceries.

tesoro: yes sir

I need to hurry to the grocery store or he'll get mad. and what can I get from the grocery store that's cheap. if I recall right there's a sale on Curry.
I was too busy thinking about the grocery store. that I bumped into somebody.

tesoro: I'm so sorry I didn't mean to pump into you.

Once the person stood up I realized a girl was around my age.

???: There's no need to apologize my name is Stella what's your name.

tesoro: tesoro it's nice to meet you

Stella: tesoro what a weird name not saying it's bad or anything. what I meant is it's nice to meet you to tesoro. Would you like to be friends.

tesoro: yes I like to very much. I was just going to the grocery store want to come with.

Stella: this is great  be the best of friends.

POV Third person

From that day on they were friends.
They would hang out whenever they had the opportunity. she was the light that was saving him but. as they continue to become friends. the abuse at home got worse. but once again the light was able to prevail by. Stella following him one day only to see the horrible things. that his family were doing to him after seeing these things. she went to her parents immediately.
In the hopes that they could save. her friend let's see what happens.

POV Stella

I got to tell Daddy of what's happening maybe he can help.

Stella: Daddy I need your help

Daddy: what do you need help with

Stella: I think one of my friends is in trouble.

Daddy: what makes you think they're in trouble.

Stella: I saw his parents hitting him
I didn't know how to help him. so I thought you could help him since you're a hero.

POV Third person

The police are just outside of tesoro house. they knock at the door the person. that answers is tesoro father.

tesoro father: yes is there something I can help you with.

Police officer: sir I need you to  come with us. under the charge of child abuse.

Author's note: by the way I don't know how actual child abuse is handled. so I'm just going off what I think and what's convenient for the story.

POV Third person

That day tesoro father was arrested for child abuse. and it was decided that he was guilty. thus putting tesoro
In the adoption center. but he would not stay there for long  for his friend
Stella father adopted him.

Time skip to before he was adopted

tesoro was in the adoption center by himself. he wasn't really used to other kids except Stella. but then another kid came over to tesoro. when he turned around to see who was. to his surprise it was Stella.

tesoro: Stella what are you doing here

Stella: after hearing what happened to you my Dad figured. that he could adopt you. be a good idea since I'm always alone in the house. when he's off doing he will work. so come on I'll bring you to him.

After Stella said that she began to lead
tesoro to her father.

Stella: I brought him dad

???: Well hello young tesoro

tesoro: hello sir it's nice to meet you

???: It's all right you don't have to call me sir.

Stell: wait hold up you're not surprised. on who my dad is.

tesoro: should I be

Stell: you know the number one hero all might.

tesoro: now that you mention it it does sound familiar.

Stella: you can't be serious

tesoro: we didn't have a TV at home. so I couldn't really you know. a lot of the famous heroes were.

All might: that does not matter now. you are now my adopted son. so let's head home.

From that day on tesoro lived with Stella and all might. him and Stella would also go on to go to UA.

the golden heroWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt