Secrets Revealed (Chapter 11)

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I am so sorry that I didn't upload this chapter the other day like I said I would but here it is now! Hope you guys enjoy! I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to all the action in the next one.

BTW, the youtube link is referred to later in the chapter. Listened to this song while I wrote this chapter.


Chapter 11


John and the rest of the team checked their weapons, making sure they were prepared and functional for the upcoming operation. The debriefing had lasted and hour then a thorough rundown of how things would go down during the operation, or how things should go down anyway. The plan was to go in quick, retrieve the two 'packages' then hand them over to the proper authorities but John feared it wouldn't be that easy. He had a sinking feeling in his gut that something would go wrong.

"Alright men, you've got ten minutes to refresh and memorize the layout of the building before we move out." Jameson stated loudly over all the clicks of clips locking into place on their firearms.

John wouldn't need the ten minutes that was given; with a photographic memory it would take him only five minutes to learn every inch of building space. That was one of the things that made him good at this type of job.

After studying the blueprints of the building, he threw on his Kevlar vest, strapped on the leg holster and stashed the extra gun in it. John looked like he was ready for war and felt the adrenalin start to kick in. Before he lost himself totally in the adrenalin rush he was getting, he wanted to take a few minutes to call Katherine.

John stepped out of the busy room and dialed the only number he knew by heart. A moment later, a continuous sound of beeps greeted him on the other end. That couldn't be right. John dialed again and got the same thing. Something wasn't right.

"You ready to do this?" Willis asked behind him.

John turned around and Willis took a step back. Fury and worry tore through him with such vengeance; it had him almost crushing the phone in his hand.

"John, what's going on man?" Willis asked while taking another step back.

"We need to go now. Something's wrong at home."

Willis nodded in understanding then hurried back into the room. John was pretty sure Willis would let Jameson in on what was going on but right now he could care less. All he cared about was getting Hobbs because he was damn sure Katherine would be not too far away from the snake.

Jameson walked out and stopped at the sight of John. The man could feel fury rolling off his once best team member. Jameson knew that there may have been a chance that John's wife would get thrown into the mix of things but he wouldn't let on about that knowledge. Hobbs had no clue about the deadly fury that was about to be unleashed on him and Jameson just hoped they could get the bastard out alive.

"You'll be team lead on this. Let's go." Jameson said to John.

John stalked back to his bag and grabbed the comm link that would link the whole team.

"Alright men, lets head out. Remember, quick and easy." Jameson said eyeing John.

Hobbs would be damned lucky to have a quick death because if it was up to John, he would kill the son of a bitch slowly and make sure he felt all the pain. Hobbs had no idea the beast he just unleashed...


Secrets Revealed (Book 2 of the Men with a Badge series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora