Chapter 1: Welcome to My Life

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The smell of bacon frying had my eyes popping open and sitting up before my brain fully registered that I was awake. I blinked my eyes a few times in order to make them less blurry along with rubbing the sleep out as well. I reached for my phone that was hidden under my pillow and looked at the time; it was 8:04 am. My alarm wasn't due to go off for another hour. I shrug my shoulders and toss the phone back onto my bed while standing up and stretching. Once I finally feel like I'm fully awake and able to function I head towards that smell of bacon.

"Ma, its not even 9 o'clock," I raise my voice as I start my way down the stairs two at a time. Once I make it onto the main floor of our house I take a running start and then slide into the kitchen since I still have socks on my feet from the night before. Wearing socks to bed ROCKS, but only when they actually stay on your feet! After sliding into the kitchen I notice the bacon sitting on a plate next to a casserole dish full of scrambled eggs, multiple stacks of pancakes, and a bowl full of a mixture of strawberries and blueberries. My eyes dart over to my mom and she turns around right when I'm about to speak.

My mom and I look alike, but since we are mother and daughter it makes sense. I always tease her that she could be my sister based on just our looks. We both have long dark brown hair with auburn highlights that stops halfway down our backs as well as brown eyes with just a freckle of gold in each eye by the iris. When it comes to our hair you wouldn't be able to tell the length of my mom's hair since she always keeps it pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck. Another difference is I'm taller than she is by two inches! Hello, 5 feet 6 inches close to 10 inches in heels. Anyways I'm about to speak when my mom turns around and immediately my eyes laser in on the red velvet cupcake in her hands with one lit candle atop it.

"Happy Birthday Baby," she says with a smile playing upon her lips. I look up to her face and blink my eyes a few times confused. My birthday, Halloween, October 3--, "Holy shit!" I start jumping up and down like a little kid, and when I start to move in closer to my mom she quickly places the cupcake on the table. Last year I may have accidently squashed the cupcake between us as I hugged my mom with no notice beforehand. Listen, I'm really bad keeping up with dates and days in general so I'm always forgetting things especially my birthday. I squeal and hug my mom tightly as possible.

"Oh my God!" I stopped all movements as realization hits me that it's MY eighteenth birthday. I'm turning 18 and at 11:30 pm is when I will be able to officially be able to start looking for my mate since that's the time when I was born.

Confused? Let me back pedal real quick and explain a few things. My mother and I are werewolves; omegas to be exact. We can shift at will and not only on full moons, however, with omegas along with alphas we do not experience our heat or rut until after our 18th birthday along with after the time of our birth. We also aren't able to find our mates unless both of us are over eighteen and passed the time in which we were born. So basically if my mate is under age I wouldn't know until they became of age and we came around each other. With that explanation out of the way I just have to wait until 11:30 pm and hopefully I'm correct and I know who my mate is.

"Hello ladies," a male voice drawls out and kicks me out of my head and I pull away from hugging my mom. I turn around and stare at the guy the voice came from, and who just happens to be my best friend. "Xan--,"I stop speaking when I notice what he's wearing which is his normal holy jeans and black t-shirt, but he's also sporting a bright pink tiara and sash that says 'Birthday Girl' in sparkling purple letters. He bows like we're royalty before straightening up with a smile on his face.

"Please tell me you're wearing that today?" I grimaced pointing at the sash since it has more fabric than the tiara. The guy starts laughing and ends up having to wipe away tears that end up forming at the corners of his eyes. " God no. I, Xander Stephens, bring to the fairest birthday girl her sash and crown." Since my grimace isn't strong enough I also cringe because pink is my absolutely loathed color, and when Xander tries to put  the sash on me I make a quick run for my bedroom upstairs. Of course, Xander is six feet so every three steps of mine are equals to two steps of his so he ends up tackling me right passed my door... face first.

"Look I know you hate pink but its all they had, and I had to wear that god awful yellow one on my birthday," says Xander a little annoyed as he gets up and drops the sash on the back of my head. He ends up helping me get up and when he starts grinning at me I can't help but grin back since he is my best friend and all. "You eat?"

"And miss Mama Ryder's birthday breakfast? No way!" He grabs the tiara that somehow stayed on his head even though he tackled me and placed it on my head before speeding off towards the stairs so he could get to the kitchen. I sigh as I look down at the pink sash and then shake my head. Xander is right I made him wear a bright neon yellow one with green lettering for his 18th so I just had to suck it up. Maybe I'll get lucky and my best friend will also turn out to be my mate. I smile at the thought and as my cheeks turn rosy I head down the stairs to the kitchen, and to the start of my day.

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