The Beginning of Viv's Halloween Bash

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Four Hours! It took 4 hours from the time Xander, my mom, and I started eating and finished by opening presents for my birthday. First they had to sing happy birthday after re-lighting the candle on top my cupcake. It wasn't normal singing in this case either. Xander had to start it with yodeling and then purposely sang off key through the entire 'Happy Birthday' song. It was SO bad I didn't even realize that my mom disappeared from the kitchen. She reappeared though with tons of gifts in each bag that she carried along her arms. I was shocked to say the least that she decided to buy me so much, and then I opened them one after another.

Sometimes I had to smile with a gift for a picture just because it made my mom smile. My favorite gift that I received from her was a pink teddy bear with a picture of my her and myself in a heart frame that the bear was holding. I know what you're thinking, and you are correct I loath pink. However, the family picture trumps the color any day. After the last present was unwrapped Xander ended up running off, but waited long enough to  tell me to take a nap. According to him I'd need it, and I didn't have anything planned so I headed up to my bedroom. When I got there I sat on my bed, popped my ear buds in, and ended up falling asleep to the most calming classical music on violin.


I ran as fast as my feet would go. There were a few major things left to do before tonight. I smiled to myself as I made it home in record time. I shoved the door open and skidded to a halt. Right in front of me was none other than my mother tapping her foot with her arms crossed. Shit.

"Hey mom just running to the store real quick," I try to maneuver around her. I almost pass her but she grabs my arm tightly, "Xander her dress is upstairs. I was informed about it when I went to pick up my Mortica dress." I gulped and smiled, "I can explain."

Mom grinned, "You're hoping Vivian is your mate. Why else would you turn my Halloween Party into a Birthday Bash." Stunned. I can't move, but I can breathe. One. Two.

"You can't tell her! She's my best friend. I can't lose her."

"Baby I'll take your secret to my grave. Dinner is at 7 o'clock so hurry up," my mom says patting my cheek. I give my mom a quick kiss before running to my room. I had a few hours to finish getting ready, hang decorations, and surprise Vivian. I stop and stare at myself in the mirror. I need a hair cut too...Well actually a trim with my edges sharpened. I dig my phone out of my jeans pocket and call my brother, Dominic.

"It's my brother so I need to take this. Es, please...What do you want X?"

"Hello to you to D. I need you to call Spencer and get me a touch up appointment." There is a sigh on the other end, muffled talking for a moment, and then another sigh. Xander grins knowing that Dominic is atEsmeralda's, "I'll call Esmeralda and get you out of there."

"Done. I'll text you the details."

I hang up and quickly dial the number for Esmeralda's bakery. The phone rings for a few minutes before someone answers. Doing my best imitation of my father's voice I ask for Esmeralda. She gets to the phone quickly, "Sir?"

"Essie my dear, are the desserts done?"

"Yes, Dom is here getting them now."

"Good, good. Make sure he hurries home my wife is getting impatient. Oh, and dear be sure to come to the party tonight." I say my goodbyes and hang up. Then I grab my wallet and head out. 7 pm will be here soon and I got to be ready. Ten minutes later I get a text from Dominic.

Spencer can get you in, in 15. Asshole you invited her to the party! BTW your dad impression is scary-D

Ya, but I got you out. Thanks D :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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