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Bruno had no idea what kind of stand he expected to manifest from this girl's seemingly kind and friendly demeanor, but he certainly wasn't expecting this.

Her humanoid stand towered over her small frame in a defensive position as she sat on the edge of the bed, seemingly glaring at Bruno with its piercing green eyes. It's ripped, blue body donned a very modest amount of gold armor, simply including spaulders, vambraces, and greaves. A fairly short toga was draped lazily on one of its broad shoulders, showing off some of its chiseled features. Symmetrical purple detailing seemed to decorate it's skin, complimenting its messy platinum hair. Though its features were strong, something about it seemed flat, lacking depth - as if it were an animated statue.

It clenched its fists and moved it's limbs into a fighting position, waiting for Bruno to make a move that would provoke a fight.

He didn't say a word, deciding instead to stare worryingly in silence at (Y/n), who chose not to return the favor. Ignoring his pleading stare that begged for them to talk things out, she stood up from the bed and walked towards the desk, not glancing his way for even a second. Her stand continued to loom behind her, watching her move carefully.

"Y'know, I really wish you would stop looking at me like that..." She spoke, trailing a finger over Giorno's desk until she came across a familiar item. Satisfied with her findings, she picked up a thin booklet and turned on her heels to face Bruno.

He looked into her eyes, hoping to find remnants of the girl who seemed like she had been the type to avoid confrontation at all costs.

"You look at me like I'm lost. Like I'm charity work, something to make you feel better about yourself temporarily." She returned his gaze with an amused stare as she held up her missing passport. "I might be a bit lost in all honesty. But I'd rather fix that on my own."

Bruno bit the inside of his cheek as he thought to himself. "I wasn't looking down at you." He replied.

"Really now? You're doing it again."

"Then that unfortunately must just be how my face is."

She scoffed a laugh at his response as she started looking through her shopping bags that had been carried into the room along with her the night before.

"How unfortunate then." She grumbled, turning her back to him as she shuffled through her belongings, making sure nothing was 'misplaced'.

Feeling the need to face her directly and apologize, he took a step forward and reached a hand out towards her. The floorboards creaked loudly as he was instantly shoved off his feet and pinned against the wooden door, the doorknob slammed hard enough against the wall behind it to punch a hole through the wall. (Y/n)'s stand held Bruno up by the throat with both hands as the man struggled to free himself.

(Y/n) whipped her head back to the doorway upon hearing the commotion, shocked as Bruno summoned his stand in an attempt to defend himself. Sticky Fingers stood on stand by, not yet jumping in to save their user.

"If that ones yours... huh. I guess he really is mine then." She muttered, referencing her stand.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?!" Bruno asked her, still wriggling in her stand's grasp.

"Not a clue, actually." She bitterly chuckled. "I'm getting the gist that I'm supposed to able to control him a bit better than I am right now," she nodded her head in the direction of the statue-like stand, "But it's sort of like he's following my instincts without me giving specific orders."

Bruno groaned under the pressure on his neck.

"So I guess you better not say anything that'll really start to piss me off." She sneered, subconsciously making her stand's grip tighten.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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