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     One day on two separate occasions throughout time in a world full of magic and fantasy, two people of different ages were struggling to live on despite slowly dying due to their fatal injuries-both young and old. The elder of the two is a knowledgeable white-haired mage who had barely survived a harsh bloody war-standing alone amongst the felled soldiers. Tired, battered, mana depleted-along with his tattered and worn down equipment; struggling to keep his vision, mind, and body in check, he gazes above to the vast darkened sky that was stained the same color as everything else around him. It was as if the long, bloody war had dyed its color onto the world's sky as if it too was a victim of it.

      Meanwhile, the younger from a period further in time than the magician's, weakly yet with strength, stabbed his crumbling weapon into the ground while his calloused hands still gripped the handle-trying to keep his balance. Haggard and gasping for air, the hero clad in formerly strong now dull and chipped armor had trekked away from his battlefield after slaying many beasts, leaving a trickled trail of his lifeblood as he did so of various sizes. Like the magician of the past, he too glanced upwards to gaze upon a scenery, yet his-was an overgrown tree that seemed to be the kings of all trees just from its sheer overbearing size, standing proud and tall amidst a dense forest. Rays of light from the sun shining through its widespread branches made it appear to glow as if it were something holy and sacred.

      As both took in their sights and bodies dwindled as time seemingly passed by slowly, their minds and souls began to wander into their memories of life before their current events-knowing that they're gradually but surely dying. There was no denying it--even if they wanted to continue living, they could feel it in their entire being along with their dying breaths. Unfortunately, with the clanky thud from the young hero and the dull shifting hissings of the magician's clothes resembling a classic witch's attire-their bodies slumped onto the cold hard ground without mercy. And without any thoughts nor words, they both instinctually knew--it was their time to die.

      Though their visions grew darker and weaker with much blur, they continued to stare and gaze upon the sceneries that had captivated them as if charmed. They didn't think nor feel much of anything, physically nor emotionally--they just wanted to gaze upon the scenery that'll be their final resting place. However, as their life seeped out of their cold bodies, rekindled emotions of life, regret, and maybe even hatred with revenge from possible betrayal suddenly swelled up, engulfing the entire corpses-as if refusing to let go even though they welcomed the dark abyss. Both filled with their life's regrets and willfulness to still live had caused strange events to aspire.

      The battlefield covered in corpses began to glow with a dark color as thick miasma gradually covered the area over many years since then; until one day after the long interval finally ended, a long-fingered bare-boned hand stretched out of the ground from the ancient battleground. As for where the young man died before the large tree, the area-especially the large tree, itself began to glow brightly in bright, warm colors. Though different energies and colors due to the difference in areas, both locations had small glowing wisps of light appear from the ground and hover carefreely in the air. Darkly colored yet somewhat dimly lit wisps appeared at the ancient battlefield while the forest's wisps were the opposite full of warmth-one of negative while the other positive. And after a handful of years passed since the hero's death, the king of trees finally shone brightly, unlike anything before this, until a small creature emerged from the ground where its roots are and where the former hero's corpse once lay--a little winged human. However, unlike the boney entity that emerged by itself from the ground, the little fairy had emerged from the tree's roots that had them encased like an egg.

      As they were waking up as if from a long slumber, the little fairy glanced up after opening their fluttering, heavy eyes for the first time and gazed upon the imposing tree before them. They observed their target for a long while until the tree began to shake and quiver from the gentle breeze blowing through, making it seem more alive-than it already was and more animated. Before long, the colossal tree gradually glowed not only from the sun's radiance beaming down on it but from its illuminating body as well. Even the brightly colored wisps of energy reappeared on this joyous occasion as if welcoming the newcomer and celebrating their birth. The King of Trees also joined in by producing fruit made of energy spheres rapidly from its branches as it illuminated itself brighter as if expressing their emotions.

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