Chapter 1

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     One dark and stormy day in the land called Ash Gallows, a small green and blue-tinted off white human with rainbow-hued insect-like wings, hair, and eyes is doing their best to reach something that's just a bit out of their reach. And that something is a large, peach-like fruit speckle with blue and purple spots, "C'mon-reach for it!" they said, stretching their forearm.

     Nearby, watching from afar-of a multitude of directions gripping amongst the trees including Yggdrasil, small animals, and demon beasts as well as fairies are-doing their best to try and not get blown away by the violent storm. As for the larger animals and beasts-they're taking shelter wherever they can, such as at the base of Yggdrasil, where many large caverns and arched roots are.

     "Aeolius-forget about the fruit!" yelled a fairy. "It's not worth it!" Another shouted next to the anxious fairy, "She's right! Are you that much of a glutton that you'd risk your life for a single fruit!?" The two faes are desperately gripping on the same tree where the fruit is attached to-anxiously watching Aeolius doing his best to obtain it from one of the outstretched branches where it dangles violently amongst the gusts of wind and rain.

     However, Aeolius-whether they heard them or not-continued-on with their goal in sight and almost within their finger's reach, "A-almost..!" When they thought that they were able to-finally touch the fruit, a sudden loud boom of thunder, a fiercer gust, and a large tree of bright lightning stretching across the sky above them-badly-startles the rainbow-hued fairy with a flinch as the powerful storm caused the fae to lose their grip of the branch. Thus rapidly thrusting them into the air, "A-ah!" squeaked out not only Aeolius but the other onlookers witnessing the scene as well in horror.

     "N-NOOOO! AEOLIUUUSS!" screamed the female fairy while the other beside her, "S-shit!" cursed under their breath while witnessing the scene unfold before them. Others farther away yet closer to Yggdrasil made similar remarks as they too watched; as for the colossal tree itself-only watched in silence.

     As for the fairy in question began putting his wings into overdrive to try to not only rebalance himself but to try and fly in the raging squall-and yet still hasn't forgotten about the fruit as he about-faced it then made a dive towards it. And if there were any debris that flew in the way and became an obstacle, they'd either perform aerial acrobatics and parkour movements to or around them. However, Aeolius did not let the target out of sight.

     "R-really-t-that idiot! He's really; going to die if he keeps this up!" the fae beside the female clenched their teeth in irritation and from worry, "Tch!" As for the female, she had rashly decided to let go of her anchor to dash to Aeolius' side. However, the one beside her swiftly grabbed her arm and not letting her go, "What do you think you're doing, Fabia!?" they asked angrily.

     "L-let me go, Scarrow! I have to go, so let me!" she pleaded, worried stricken. However, the male fairy called Scarrow did not heed her plea. "I will not--!" he howled as thunder with a bright flash of lightning drowned out the rest of his words. When he realized what he blurted out, Scarrow glanced away but still refused to release Fabia. "" Just as when she was going to say something, something snapped.

     When the two investigated the origin of the sound, they noticed that the fruit had been plucked-off by the raging winds and that Aeolius is close behind in a steep dive. Even if he did manage to reach it, how is he going to catch it without falling himself? After all, the speckled fruit is quite large compared to the fairy. However, that still didn't make the fae falter--

     Seeing how he wasn't gaining enough speed, Aeolius beat his wings faster during his dive while evading any big raindrops that seem to be in slow-motion or at a standstill due to his speed and racing mind. He didn't let up until he finally wrapped his whole body around the large fruit, and both began spinning from the impact speed of the fae's speedy glomp, "hehe, gotchya!" giggled the daredevil fairy with a big grin. Don't worry, Aeolius mentally reassured the fruit-as if it could hear his thoughts, I won't let you fall! However, that was easier said than done, especially since they are still descending at a fast pace towards the ground.

     "O-oh! L-look Scarrow, Aeolius finally reached the fruit!" exclaimed Fabia as she witnessed the scene. She was happy for Aeolius that he finally reached his goal, but Scarrow was aware that there's a bigger problem, and that was how they were going to land, "That's good and all, but he's still not out of danger yet." he reminded. With that, the female fairy resumed wearing an anxious face as she looked back to Aeolius.

     As they were expecting the worse, their friend that's still gripping tightly to the fruit suddenly disappeared out of sight amongst some thick bushes when they had blinked. And the violent skies suddenly transitioned to pitch darkness as the raging tempest-continued till daybreak.

      As the light began to break into the brightening sky-and scattering away the gloomy weather, a colorful and large, bright-eyed fae poked his face through a small-opening of the thick and dense bush that he is in, drenched and donned a big grin. The green-tinted off white fae couldn't help but think that he's glad it's finally over, then used his small yet delicate-looking hands to ring his wet hair. After getting as much water out as he could, Aeolius fixes it to the way it was before: slicked back with the ends pointed upwards like an upsidedown short claw but due to many misbehaving hair strands made it look like a water droplet with many tails. His long and wide, elvish leaf styled ears twitched from hearing various noise of nature as the fae walked to the large, peach-like fruit nearby.

      As for why he risked his life to save this single fruit-Aeolius had a gut feeling that he should, and so he did despite everyone's many objections.

      "Hehee, you're such a weird fruit!" began Aeolius as he turns his back towards the light to try and dry his dragonfly-like wings off. "To think it made me save it-I never saved a fruit before!" the fae giggly chuckled from the weirdness of it all, and his body is still-consumed with the adrenaline rush from earlier coursing through his veins.

     Suddenly as if on cue-the fruit began to glow as soon as the sun finally broke through the horizon, catching the fae's attention. He was looking back, waiting for the arrays of the warm sun to come and dry his spread wings when the fruit became active. As the sky's light became brighter, so too did the fruit's glow as if in sync with the sun, and before long, the fruit began to wiggle and squirm once the sun completely-revealed itself and the fruit got as bright as it could. Soon after, the fruit's hull gently poked its head higher as if trying to escape or peek until a bright light flashed from the fruit, briefly whiting everything out for the observing fae.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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