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One day, Andy walked back home from school 5 blocks so sadly and looked down. When he got home his mother saw him so upset, "Oh my goodness!! Sweetie! What happened? You look so brokenhearted!" Andy sighs, "The mean kid, Ashley Purdy, was picking on me all day and calling me ugly and annoying." Andy's mother gasps and gives him a tight hug, "Awwww sweetie you're not ugly, you are so beautiful inside and out." When his mother said that to Andy, Andy's heart smiled. "Yeah, thanks mom, I love you with all my heart." said Andy, then he walks in his room and sits on his bed thinking about stuff.

When Andy was still thinking, he got a brilliant idea. Andy walked out of his room and went into his mother's room and asked, "Hey mom, if it's okay that I can have a sleepover? Tomorrow is Friday and then it's the weekend!" Andy's mom thinks, "Of course!! Here are some envelopes!" said his mother, giving the envelopes to Andy. Andy grabs the envelope box filled with envelopes, "Thank you so much!" said Andy. "You're welcome!" said Andy's mom. Andy closes his mom's door and starts writing invitations for his sleepover tomorrow night. 

10 minutes later, he finished all of his invitations for his sleepover. He decided to give them out to his friends at school tomorrow. But he's NOT going to invite Ashley. He was super excited and he felt that his heart was gonna burst out of the left side of his chest in any second. A few hours later, he was super tired so he went to bed and slept.

When he woke up, it was 6:00 AM, so he got up and took a shower, dried his hair, brushed it, and  brushed his teeth, and ate breakfast, as always everyday. He got his invitations and put it in his backpack and put it on his back, and walked to school. When he got there, he walked to his locker and got his stuff out and he got out the invitations.  When Andy was walking to his class, he saw Jinxx and CC. Andy walked up to them and said, "Hey guys! Since we don't have school tomorrow, I decided to give out you and the rest of our friends to my sleepover! Here's the invitation!" said Andy giving out 2 envelopes to CC and Jinxx. Jinxx grabs the 2 envelopes and gives 1 to CC, "Wow! Thanks Andy! You're so kind!" said Jinxx. "You're welcome! Have a great day guys!" said Andy and walked to his class. Once Andy was walking to his class, Ashley got in front of him and blocked him. "Hey loser!" said Ashley obnoxiously. Andy rolls his eyes, "Ugh, leave me alone Ashley! I need to get to class!" said Andy. Then Ashley sees an envelope with Andy's supplies, "Ooooh, what's this?" said Ashley grabbing the envelope. "Give me that back!" cried Andy. Ashley ignores him and reads the envelope, "What? You're having a sleepover!! Can I be invited?" said Ashley. "NO! You're a jerk to people, especially me!" said Andy. "Please!!!!!!! Andy!!!!!!" said Ashley. Andy ignores him and continues to walk to his class when Ashley is still begging him to say "Yes." When Ashley said "Please!" for the 100th time, Andy finally says, "OKAY!!!! OKAY!!!!!!! YOU'RE INVITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But please don't ruin it!!" Ash was so happy that Andy invited him and he walked to class.

In Ms. Larisa's class, he sat next to Lonny and Jake. "Hey Lonny and Jake! He are some invitations to my sleepover tonight!" said Andy giving 2 envelopes to Lonny and Jake. "WOW! Thanks Andy! You're the sweetest friend on the planet." said Jake and gives Andy a hug. "You're welcome!" said Andy. And class started.

After class, Andy saw Inna and Juliet talking to each other so he walked up to them. "Hey Inna! Hey Juliet!! You're invited to my sleepover tonight!" said Andy giving out 2 invitations to them. Juliet gives Andy a big hug and says, "Thank you sweetheart! I love you!" and gives him a kiss on the cheek. When Juliet kissed Andy, his heart fluttered in his chest with excitement and he was blushing. "You're welcome! Have a good day!" said Andy.

When school was over, Andy walked home so excited for his sleepover tonight. He texted his friends when they were going to be here and he waited.

When it was 8:00 PM. Someone knocked at the door. Andy opened it and it was his friends that he invited and including Ash. "Hey friends and..... Ashley, come in!" said Andy. And all the people ran in the door and put their sleeping bags, pillows and blankets on the floor and all sat down in a circle and talking. "Okay guys! What should we do first?" asked Andy "I know! All of you guys can cut your throats!!!" said Ashley. All of the people give Ashley the death stare. "Ash, that's not fun." said Andy. "It looks like fun." said Ash. Andy rolls his eyes. "Okay guys what should we do that has NOTHING TO DO WITH CUTTING OURSELVES!!!" said Andy. "We can tell stories!" said CC. "Good idea! Who should go first?" said Andy. "I want to!!!!!" said CC. "Okay CC you can go first!!" said Andy. "Oh god!" said Ashley rolling his eyes. "This is my story when I saw a black widow!" said CC. Ashley interrupts CC, "Okay, about this I want to tell a story of me being bit by a spider!" said Ashley. "Ash, CC is telling a story!" said Andy. "Oh I'm sorry CC, go on!" said Ashley. "I was 4." said CC. "THE END!!!" said Ashley. "So when I was like 7 I saw a spider in my house." said Ash. "ASHLEY WHAT THE HELL!!!!??" yelled Andy. "What? He was finished!" said Ash. "He just said he was just 4!!" said Andy. "Well look at this dumb person now, you don't call that a disaster?" said Ash. CC's heart skipped and looked at Ashley so angry.

20 minutes later CC finally finished his story while Ash was still being rude. "FINALLY!!!!! I'M DONE!!!!!! Ash, shut up when people are telling a story! Got it?" said CC. Ash ignores him and CC rolls his eyes. "Okay since Ash won't stop interrupting our stories! Lets do something else that's fun!" said Andy. "I'm very hungry! Do we have something to eat?" asked Jake. "Yeah me too. I'm starving! Let's see if we have cookies. I think my mom had leftovers." said Andy. Andy walks in the kitchen and opens the pantry. He finds the box with cookies in it and grabs it out of the shelf and closes the pantry door and walks back where all his friends are. "Hey guys we have like 100 cookies left! You can grab one!" said Andy. All of his friends and Ash grab a cookie and all sat down. Ashley bit the cookie and said, "Ugh!! What is this bull crap! This is freaking nasty!!" and threw the cookie on the floor. "Ashley! If you don't want it throw it away! Not on the floor, what happens if my dog ate that! Dogs can't have chocolate or else they'll die!" cried Andy. "That will be amazing if your dog died!!!!!!!! It will be brilliant if you died!" said Ashley. Andy's eyes widened . "Ashley!!! This is why no one likes you!" said Jake. Ashley ignores him. "Andy are you okay? Why did you invite him?" said Jake. "He was making me say yes!" replied Andy. "He always wants to be at parties and ruin them Andy, he's just rude!" said Jake. "Yeah! He always does." said Andy.

Few hours later, it was 11:00 PM and Andy and his friends were so tired. Andy yawns, "I'm so tired, and I want to go to bed right now." he said. "Same here!" said Jake. The rest of his friends and Ash agreed. "Hey Juliet." said Ash. "What do you want Ashley!" said Juliet. "Can I style your hair?" asked Ash. "What No-........... Fine, but please don't ruin it!" said Juliet. Ashley starts doing Juliet's hair. 30 minutes later, Ashley was still doing Juliet's hair. "Ashley are you done yet? My head feels weird!" said Juliet. Ashley ignores her. Juliet turns to Andy, "Hey Andy." Andy looks to Juliet, "Yea- Uhhhhh................ummmmmmm....." Juliet looks at Andy with a confused face. "Does anyone know where the mirror is?" asked Juliet. Inna gives her hand mirror to Juliet and she grabs it. Juliet looks at the mirror and gasps, "A- A- A- Ash.............. What the hell?" she said. "MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASHLEY I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!" Juliet screamed and hit Ashley as hard as she can on the arm. Ashley hits Juliet back EXTREMELY hard and gives her a big bruise. "Sweetie OMG!!!!" cried Andy and hugged Juliet. "Ashley! Stop being abusive to her!" he said. Ashley ignores Andy. "Anyway! It's almost 12, let's go to bed!" said Andy.

While Andy and his friends were sleeping, Ash was still awake, and he founded a small house spider on the wall and grabbed it. The spider wasn't poisonous at all. And decided to put it on CC to scare him. When CC was still sleeping, he felt something tickle his arm and it almost woke him up and he saw the spider and screamed so loud, from the top of his lungs and woke everyone up. CC almost had a horrible heart attack from that. Andy and his friends walked up to CC and gave him a hug. CC told what happened that the spider was on him. Ashley was laughing and everyone looked at Ash and Ash stopped laughing. "Ashley....... Did you put the spider on CC?" Andy asks Ash strictly. Ashley's heart was racing in his chest, "Uhhhhh, maybe I did, maybe I didn't." said Ashley and laughed. Andy gives Ash the death stare, "Okay I did it!!!!!!" said Ash. "Ashley!!! We are done inviting you to parties and everything special!!!!! Get out of my house NOW!!!!!!!!" yelled Andy. Ashley rolls his eyes and gets his keys and grabs all his things and leaves the house. "Finally he's out!!! He's so rude!" said Jake. "Yeah I know!!! CC, are you okay?" said Andy. "Yeah I'm fine. I killed the spider after I screamed." said CC. "Okay. We're just checking on you! It wasn't your fault you woke us up, it was Ashley's. Come on guys, let's go back to bed!" said Andy. And his friends went back to bed and slept, and they were so happy that Ash was not with them anymore.


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