Ch. 4 - Retributions

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"Damn, it's about time you got up."

Nozomi slowly blinked her eyes as she started to come to. Where was she? The last she remembered, she had gone to get some apples, then everything was blurry. Moreover, her body felt heavy as she tried to sit up to no avail. Turning her head to the side, she noticed a familiar face sitting across from her. As her vision cleared up, her heart plummeted to her stomach as she realized who it was.

Hidan, who had been the first to speak, crossed his arms. "Damn, did you see a ghost?" After commenting on her paling face, he began to read the atmosphere in the room and decided it was his cue to leave, wanting to get some fresh air anyway. Once he left the apartment, the tension in the room only grew.

Finding some energy, Nozomi sat up and held her head with a small groan. She literally felt like shit but couldn't remember why. Every time she thought about it, the headache only worsened.

"Repeat what I said when I left the apartment." Kakuzu ordered, showing the female no sympathy. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was highly upset with her.

Frowning, the blond let go of her head and twiddled her thumbs as she looked back at him. "Stay here until I get back and don't open the door for anyone."

"Was I not clear?"

"Well, yes... but I was feeling really hungry and you never said when you would come back so I didn't see any harm in leaving to get a snack! Technically, I stayed in the village so-"

As soon as Nozomi saw Kakuzu's eyes narrowed, she immediately stopped talking. Slowly, Kakuzu got up from his chair and approached the cowering female who was too scared to break his eye contact. Clutching the arm of the sofa with an immense grip, he leaned forward so he was inches away from her face. "You are to do everything I say when I say it, Nozomi."

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry..." Nozomi squeaked out. Her heart was beating so fast in the moment, she couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement. Although she wished it could've been under better circumstances, he was so close to her that she could hear him breathing underneath his mask. That, mixed with his deep voice was more than enough to help regain the color back in her face and then some.

"You're coming with me." Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her off of the couch and took her outside. With a surprised gasp, she stumbled over her feet trying to match his pace.

Nozomi followed behind Kakuzu as they walked down the street, absentmindedly biting the inside of her cheek. The male hadn't said a word to her since they left the apartment and she knew he was most likely still mad at her for not following directions. Although the situation was a bit fuzzy in her head, she had already apologized so she didn't know why he was still so moody. How was she supposed to strike up a conversation in this awkward air?

After a few painfully quiet minutes of walking, the two reached their destination - a small marketplace. Vendors lined the sides of the street as an array of passer-bys frequented the stands. The female's eyes lit up at the sight of fresh food and snacks. As she took a step forward, distracted by her hunger, she bumped into Kakuzu's back.

"Sorry...again..." Nozomi mumbled as she looked down at her feet.

"We're here to get the items on this list and nothing else, got it?" Kakuzu turned around so he was staring down at her as he produced a piece of paper from his pants pocket. Once she nodded in agreement, he turned around and started walking.

While Kakuzu shopped, Nozomi peered around from behind his body with a small pout. Apparently food was too much of an expense because the man in front of her was picking out the bare minimum. Sure, she'd had her fair share of shopping at markets but to not get any snacks or sweets was a crime. Every item she picked up, he either told her no or took out of her hands to put back, and he wouldn't even let her see the shopping list.

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