Ch 9: The Day of All Might Merch

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An unexplacted addition to follow 'The Day of Projectile Chair'. You don't have read that one, to understand this, but it'd make me happy if you did.

Summary: Hitoshi should have considered that when it comes to him and his two idiot friends, even a grocery store run was bound to go wrong.


Hitoshi should have considered that when it comes to him and his two idiot friends, even a grocery store run was bound to go wrong.

It's around 11pm, on a Saturday, and it's just him, Izuku and Mei in the corner store near his house. They're here to restock on snacks to continue movie night, because snacks are the only good thing about movie night between Izuku's habit of loudly voicing his disappointment with the unrealistic plot and detective work (That's not how the police work!), and Mei's compulsive need to jump around during actions scenes because adrenaline.

The cashier looks one blink away from completely slumping over where she stands leaning behind the register, and Hitoshi feels sorry for even stepping into the store the moment her tired gaze passes right over him and morphs into a equally tired sigh that seems to beg for the sweet release of death. None the less, snacks, so the best Hitoshi can do for the poor girl is pick his snacks up and get out of here quickly.

And then, because when he's with these two it feels like his bad luck triples somehow, a store robber walks into the store. It's not immediately obvious, because Hitoshi is more busy contemplating between two bags of crisps even when he knows he's just going to end up buying both, and the seedy looking guy just sort of... roams around a bit. Later, thinking over the incident with a slightly clearer mind, Hitoshi will realize that the guy was probably making sure that the place was reasonably scarce of people that could call the police, before heading over to the cash register and pulling a gun out from the pockets of his hoodie. He holds it up at the cashier, who jerks awake with eyes widening in horror, and the guy jerks his head towards the cash register with a sneer on his mouth.

"If you wanna live after this darlin' you're gonna give me all the money you have in that register." Then, turning his head slightly but never completely taking his eyes off the cashier he shouts, "I want all of y'all to come to the front of the store, before I shoot this girl's fucking brains out!"

Mei's got a dangerous look in her eye, standing near the magazine rack near the front of the store as she slowly rolls up the magazine she has in her hands. The robber's mostly got a clear sight of her, but he still jerks his gun impatiently to have her standing closer to the cash register. Hitoshi very slowly puts the packet of Crips back and walks over to where the robber can see him, hands half lifted in the air the way people reflexively do when a gun is pointed at their way. The robber eyes him as he comes to stand to Mei's right and huffs, "Good. Nice and peaceful, and no one gets hurt. I don't see you getting my money girl."

The cashier is shaking when she finally reaches for the cash register and at this point Hitoshi realizes, the robber doesn't know that there is a fifth person in this store. His eyes try to track his best friend down and find him warily peeking out from behind some of the shelves, and Hitoshi belatedly remebers he does somewhat vaguely recall Izuku saying something about having to go to the bathroom. His eyes skip back to the robber, who's sneering at the steady trail of tears under the cashier's eyes as she follows his instructions. Sure, that the robber's attention is pointedly away from him, he turns back to Izuku and subtly gestures towards the door before shaking a fist with his thumb and pinkie sticking out in a call gesture while mouthing, 'Call the police'.

Thank god, Izuku understands, because he nods his head with a determined look on his face, and starts inching towards the front doors.

"The fuck're you looking at kid?"

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