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eleven; mary macdonald

The youngest Black still held a lot of hate for Grimmauld Place, the house still made her skin crawl and her mind wander with horrible memories. But, each day it felt a little warmer with the people who resided there and so, it wasn't so bad. She stayed over more often than not, it was still alive with the Weasley children so not a minute was quiet. There would often be loud bangs followed by Molly shouting at the twins.

That evening was just the same as the others, Lyra waited outside of the Department of Mysteries, Kingsley Shacklebolt would soon arrive to cover her, and when he did, she passed over the invisibility cloak and apparated out of the ministry with a crack.

That evening was just the same, she returned to Grimmauld Place, unlocking the door and entering through the dimly lit hallway, hearing plates clattering on the table as Ginny laid them out.

Lyra smiled to Molly as she entered, "nobody back yet?"

"They should be back any minute-" Molly's words were interrupted by the opening of the door, footfall coming through the corridor, and there were feet on the stairs, Arthur entered first, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek, then Remus came in looking tired with it being a full moon only a few nights ago. Tonks followed, complaining that she was starving, and Bill came through last.

"Saw Dumbledore at the bank today, said he's stopping by at dinner time, we're going to have a new lodger by the seems, new member of the Order too,"

Bill began helping Lyra in chopping up the vegetables, Lyra scolding him when he tried to do it by magic, telling him that he's growing lazy which he found rather amusing.

Molly instructed them to chop up another lot for their extra guest, the pair obliged, filling multiple pans of mixed vegetables to feed the house full.

"At least when the kids are back you won't have to cook for an army," Lyra reassured Molly who fretted over the food.

"No, when the kids are back you can stand back and we'll cook for you, for a change," Bill told his mum who smiled at her son, she would pinch his cheeks if she could but she was far too small for her tall son.

"You've always been my favourite," She told him to which Lyra scoffed.

"I thought I was!" She exclaimed, Bill sending a teasing smirk to her.

"You can be my favourite tommorow," Molly told her to which Lyra smiled and laughed at the woman's antics.

"When will we be your favourite?" Fred and George asked, making Molly and Lyra jump, the latter slipping with the knife and cutting her finger.

Some concoction of words escaped Lyra's lips, the letter 'f' being repeated consistently as she shook her hand.

"For that, never!" Molly exclaimed as she turned to mend Lyra's hand, Bill had already got right to it, taking the woman's hand gently, using wordless magic to heal her hand, rubbing his finger over the now healed palm.

Lyra thanked the man as the others came into the kitchen, sitting themselves at the table, hearing the door open not long after Harry, Hermione and Ron came down.

The room went quiet as they craned their necks around the doorway, the children whispering as they spotted Dumbledore with a woman behind him.

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