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King Jace of Evermoon sat back on his moonstone encrusted throne and sighed. Today was going to be a long day. Ever since his beautiful wife, Aria died, each day seemed longer than the last and he couldn't bare it. The King was tempted to go on a quest to take his mind off things but there was nothing to do and if he was gone who would rule the country? If he let the High Mage rule, he will come back to find frogs instead of children and cows instead of frogs. King Jace loved High Mage Hugo like a brother but Hugo tended to sometimes think differently.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!" a voice shouted. King Jace frowned as his train of thought crashed and sunk. He looked up and saw the one and only High Mage Hugo.
"Talk of the Reaper, Hugo, I was just thinking of you." Jace said, a huge smile taking over his stern face but it disappeared when he saw Hugo's face.
"What is it old friend?" Jace asked. Hugo stood in front of the King, a faded parchment in his hand.
"Your majesty, I have discovered a prophecy that must be acted on immediately." Jace nodded and motioned for Hugo to give him the parchment. His eyes widened when he read the prophecy.

Find the onyx throne the king must do,
Or the Reaper of souls will make you rue
The decisions be made on the Winter Solstice, 1652,
Or risk the destruction of Evermoon.

Jace has paled. He remembered learning about the Onyx throne when he was child. According to legends, before Evermoon existed, Gaia punished the Grim Reaper by tying his life force to The Onyx Throne. Whoever had control of the Onyx throne, had almost complete control over the Grim Reaper.

"What does this mean Hugo?" Jace asked. His hands were shaking his eyes were filled with fear.
"I think it is pretty obvious your highness. You must find the Onyx Throne before the Winter Solstice this year or Evermoon will be destroyed."
Hugo spoke calmly but there was fear evident in his eyes. Jace nodded gravely but something was bugging him. What did the prophecy mean that the Reaper if Souls will make him rue?

"According to The Old Laws, only two may go on a quest and succeed. Hugo, would you accompany me on my quest?" Jace asked. Hugo looked taken back.
"Me your highness?" he asked. Jace nodded and smiled. Hugo's face broke out into a grin and he summoned his staff with a bright light.
"I would be honoured."

********************************************Persephone looked down at the King and The High Mage. So they were looking for her throne? She wasn't sure wether or not she should be happy. If they found the throne then they could free her but then again they could also use her and manipulate her like her other masters. She summoned her scythe and was about to strike when she heard-
"Isn't the Grim Reaper tied to the Onyx Throne?" Hugo asked.
"No one has seen the Grim Reaper for over a thousand years. For all we know, he could of faded away ages ago, just like Cupid." said Jace.

Persephone felt a tight feeling in her chest at the mention of Cupid. Of all the times to mention her name. Persephone pushes down the memory of Cupid, better known as Aphrodite.

"Don't say both their names at once. It is bad luck." Hugo whispered and looked up as if he was afraid that The Grim Reaper and Cupid would jump down from the beams that held the decorative ceiling up. Well, Persephone was hiding on one of the beams but still.

"Do it is decided," Jace said, snapping Persephone's attention back to the duo. "We will leave at the organised time." Hugo nodded and turned to leave. Persephone must of spaced out and missed out on something.

A pain in her gut told her that her master needed her do with a swish of her cloak, she disappeared in a swarm of raven feathers and dread.
Jace smiled to himself as he felt the aura of death leave the room. As soon as it appeared he knew that it was a creature sent by Talon. Ever since the assassination of his father, Jace had done his best to keep tabs on Talon's whereabouts. One of his spies had managed to find out about Talon summoning an ancient spirit and had been on guard ever since.

Now he had three things to worry about, keeping his kingdom safe, find the Onyx Throne and take care of Talon and the creature he had summoned. A normal day for the Kings of old. If his great, great grandfather could do it, why couldn't he do it?

Feeling renewed with confidence, Jace left the throne room and ordered one of the stable boys to ready and prepare two of the finest horses he owned by tomorrow.
Persephone found herself once again sitting on her throne. The purple flames that licked at her hands calmed her and she could almost imagine that she was back home with her mother and brother.

Someone clearing their throat knocked Persephone out of her trance. She noticed Talon standing before her, a gnarled, twisted, long branch in his hand. At the top was moonstone, shines and gleaming.

"What is it master?" Persephone asked, still thinking of her mother and brother.
"My spies have learnt that King Jace is going on a quest with High Mage Hugo, to look for the throne, your throne." Talon spoke. Persephone nodded, pretending not to know.
"You will follow them and make sure they fail." Talon ordered.

Persephone bit her lip. She was still torn between wanting the King to find the throne and wanting to obey Talon. When Gaia tied to her to the Onyx throne, Persephone was still strong so even now, when she is weak and helpless, she still has a bit of free will thank Gaia.

Deciding to do as her master says, Persephone summoned her scythe, stood up and fell into the shadows. She was vaguely heard Talon's gasp which made her almost smile. Sending fear into the hearts of her enemies ever for old.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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