Chapter 1

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Hello kitties! These days I got really caught up with Minisculetale, and saw that there where barely any Minisculetale fanfics. So, I decided to make one myself! I hope you enjoy!

P.S. This is my AU so Ink is a girl here (cuz we need PJ and Crescent to be born-) and butterflies and spiders live longer.

Ink POV:
I'm so bored! Father says I'm not allowed to go to the garden because "it's dangerous." I think that he is over reacting about this. I'm an adult now, I can take care of myself. I think I should try asking father again today, I should never give up! Even if he says no, I'm still going to sneak out anyways. I love to see the sun set on this one rock, not so far away from the meadow, and I really want to see it again. I know that there could be spiders and all that, but in the end, it's worth it.

I head down the stairs to see Father sitting on a flower chair. I tap him on his shoulder and he notices me.

Oh, hello my little petal.

Hey father!

Did you need something?

Yes actually. Could I pleeeease go see the sunset on my favourite rock tonight.

He looks at me with sorry in his eyes. I'm sorry Ink, but you know the rules.

I know, I know. I'm not allowed in the garden. But I'm going anyway, whether he likes it or not. I'll just go get more colour petals then alright father?

Of course. Just be sure to come back before dinner!

I will father!

With that, I left home. I didn't really need to get more pettals, I just wanted to go see that garden again. I don't know what, but something is telling me that there is something amazing out there. Something... Or someone...

Error POV:
Today was just like any other day. I woke up, tightened up my blue web, sat and waited for my food to come, and ate the unfortunate creatures. I got bored and headed out of my hiding place and near the lake, just to have a moment with my thoughts. I knew that no one would bother me because spiders are the most dangerous insects in the garden, but that means that others fear you. I grew up with just my mother, she taught me the basics of survival. How to make webs, even how to eat the animals correctly. She died a few years ago which left me alone for the first time. After a while I got used to it, and even made myself a routine for every day.

I looked back at those memories and remembered a story that my mother used to tell me. A long time ago, when mother was still a little spider, all insects lived in peace in both meadow and garden. Until, one spider couldn't stop himself and ate multiple butterflies. Others found out and decided that it was too dangerous to live with with spiders and they should be banished from the meadow, and that's what happened. Mother told me that she remembered the face of a male butterfly, the Prince. She said he looked petrified at the sight of her, even though they were friends. This made me absolutely hate butterflies, but, deep down, I know that not all butterflies are bad. I just don't have any proof of it yet because I've never actually seen a butterfly. I kinda wish I could see one, but they're all in the meadow and won't come out. So I won't be seeing one any time soon.

I start to head back, but one of my legs got stuck in the mud under the water. If you didn't know, spiders don't go well with water and mud. (welp, there goes the forth wall) I start to try and pull my leg out but I couldn't keep my balance and fell over every time. I even tried to use my other leg to try and get out, but that leg just got stuck in too. Now I was stuck in the mud with two of my legs stuck in water. Only an angel could save me now.

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