Flooing to Diagon Alley and meeting Lucius Malfoy

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We gathered in front of the fire place and Percy still had hold of my hand, Molly said 'Hermione, you can go with Percy, he will be going first" I was a bit scared and Percy said 'don't be scared, Hermione" he pulled me into the fire place, grabbed a hand full of floo powder, Percy said 'Diagon Alley" and threw the floo powder to the ground.

After 10 minutes, everyone else flooed in and we headed to Flourish and Blotts. I told Molly that I was going to find a friend, I went to find Draco. After I found Draco, I crept up behind him and whispered 'hello Draco" he turned around and smiled, he pulled me into his strong arms and said 'hi Hermione, my father is just about to enter the shop. Harry accepted my friend request this year" I smiled, at least they won't be trying to kill each other this time.

The bell above the door went, me and Draco looked down and saw Lucius Malfoy 'come on, Hermione, you can meet my father" Draco said, I followed Draco down stairs. I couldn't help but think Lucius was fit.

Lucius's POV

I saw a beautiful girl with my son, Draco, I could tell she was my soul mate and she couldn't be older than 12 years old, 'Father, this is Hermione Granger, she's a Gryffindor but apart from Harry and the Weasleys, she's the only one that wanted to be my friend" Draco said, 'hello Hermione, I'm Lucius. May I say that you are very beautiful" she blushed madly and said 'thanks, Lucius, can I spend the rest of the summer at Malfoy Manor" she wanted to stay at Malfoy Manor for 5 weeks, I said 'yes you can, Draco you can stay at the Burrow", I took hold of Hermione's hand gently and exited Flourish and Blotts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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Lucius Malfoy is fucking hot (Lucius Malfoy, Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now