22: mark husband text

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11:31 A.M.

piglet the cutie: look what i found baby 🥺

piglet the cutie: look what i found baby 🥺

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markie-pooh: 😭 we really are parents, y/n

piglet the cutie: 🥺

markie-pooh: you should post this on insta

markie-pooh: ahgases are suckers for these types of things 😊

piglet the cutie: i will

piglet the cutie: just wanted to show you first 😚

markie-pooh: is that us with the pikachu and eevee onsies? 🥺

piglet the cutie: yep 👍

piglet the cutie: i remeber you wanted to get them for a cheaper price 😂

piglet the cutie: but then we couldn't 🤪

piglet the cutie: because the salesperson wouldn't let us 😪

piglet the cutie: and you got frustrated 😏

markie-pooh: 😒

markie-pooh: you really like to diss me, huh? 😑

piglet the cutie: i know you won't throw any laptops at me 😁

markie-pooh: 😑

piglet the cutie: i love you baby 😘

markie-pooh: i love you too, love 💚

piglet the cutie: remember your brother's wedding? 🥰

markie-pooh: yes i do 😊

markie-pooh: you put the photo at the bottom, right?

piglet the cutie: yes ma'am 👍

markie-pooh: the kids were so bored... 😂

piglet the cutie: and they didn't know half the people... 😂

markie-pooh: at least they dressed up 😅

piglet the cutie: everyone thought they were super cute though 😊

markie-pooh: because they got their good genes from their mom 🥰

piglet the cutie: not even close 😂

piglet the cutie: the entire world knows that you're a damn handsome visual 😤

piglet the cutie: and don't your dare say you're not handsome enough 🥺

piglet the cutie: because you'll always be my number one 🤧

markie-pooh: you really are the best y/n 🥺

markie-pooh: and you're my number one too 😘

markie-pooh: and don't you say you're ugly because everyone thinks you're really beautiful 😊

markie-pooh: and they have all the right to believe that 😌

piglet the cutie: what did i do to deserve a husband like you? 😭

markie-pooh: because you're my princess 🤧

piglet the cutie: and you're my knight in shining armor 🥰

markie-pooh: i love you so much y/n 💚 😚

piglet the cutie: i love you too baby 🥰

piglet the cutie: now let me post this on instagram 😄

markie-pooh: i'll be the first to like and comment 😘

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