Chapter 3

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Toko's Pov

As I woke up I saw bright sunlight going through the windows, indicating that it's morning. I noticed how Komaru was fast asleep, which means that I'll have to try my best to not wake her up. She looked cute just sleeping, and yes this time I'm not stopping myself from saying how Komaru is cute because she is. I grabbed my phone that was my nightstand and turned it on.

Saturday, 8:32 am

Thank goodness it was a Saturday, because I didn't feel like going to school today. I suddenly remembered that I had a novel to finish, so I decided to go to my desk and continue the book. As I was finishing the ending, I heard a yawn from behind me.

"Good morning, Toki!" Komaru said.

"G-good morning!"

How did she say good morning with so much pride when she just woke up? Oh well, anyway lemme focus on completing this book.

Makoto's Pov

Ugh why isn't she answering? I've been wondering where my sister was since she never returned home last night. I tried texting her, calling and everything! But she won't answer! Right when I was going towards my crush, Kyoko, my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I said nervously.

"Hey Makoto! Sorry for not answering your texts! I was sleeping at Toko's house since it was too dark for me to head back home. I'm glad that she allowed me to stay with her!"

"Aww she was nice enough to let you stay because you too are lovebirds!"

"W-what? No!" Komaru said. Luckily this wasn't a video call or else Makoto would see her blushing.

Komaru's POV

We talk for a bit until Makoto had to go, so we both hung up. After the call ended, I brought my attention towards Toko.

"Hey Toki, wait why are you blushing?"

"Wait I am? S-sorry..." Flustered Toko said.

"Forget about that, can we go out together? I really wanna go somewhere." I asked.

"Actually I wanted to walk for a bit too, so let's go." Toko said without stuttering. I was surprised when she didn't stutter.

Both of us put some comfortable clothes suited for the season we were currently in. Since I finished first I waited for Toko at the front door, and a few minutes later she came.

As we were walking away from Toko's house, I asked her:

"Where do you wanna go first?"

She replied with "Lets go to the park first."

We walked over to the park which took 5 minutes. Once we arrived me and Toko sat close to each other on bench. Toko then took out a fresh clean book that has not been used yet, which means that she was gonna start writing on a new story. Since I was curious, I ask Toko what she was writing.

"The reason why I wanted to come here to use the park as reference for the settings in my story." She replies.

"Oh ok"

Since I was slightly bored, I stood up and walked around the park. The flowers that were just blooming looked pretty, even if they haven't bloomed fully. The fountain complemented the park, no wonder Toko was using this place as reference.

Toko's POV

I finally finished my Hanahaki novel, now time for a new book. This one is gonna be about someone who is forced to kill or else they would be tortured. How she killed was by gaining trust and then killing them in the end, but one day she met this one person who was so nice too the point she didn't want to kill them. After writing the prologue of the story, I decided to take a break from writing and go to the plaza not too far from the park. I looked towards my left only not to see Komaru there, but luckily the park wasn't too big so I was able to see her in the distance. I told her how we were gonna go to the plaza and she said ok. I grabbed her hand and walked away from the park and in the direction of the plaza.
Author's Note: I am SO sorry for not updating in a week. I'll try my best to write chapters as fast as possible for you guys! :)

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