Chp. 1 - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Listen while you read: "Skating" by Vince Guaraldi Trio

"You mean to tell me that as much as you love this time of year," Dinah teased as she held her wife close, "you've NEVER gone skating before?"

"In my defense," Normani giggled, "working at the children's agency took up most of my time. I never got the opportunity to go to a rink."

"No wonder you suck at this."

Normani smacked her wife's arm as the two women chuckled, gliding along the ice in their matching red trench coats. Most of the townspeople came out to enjoy a night at the ice skating rink. They had spent a majority of the year preparing for the holidays: making presents, breeding and caring for the reindeer, decorating the workshop and the rest of the town. This year in particular was of the upmost importance to everyone, given the world's social climate.

While the townspeople prepared and created, Dinah and her family met with the other holiday guardians and leaders in hopes of coming up with a plan to help the world heal. While Kris Kringle and his wife handled global issues throughout the year, Dinah and Normani focused on the U.S. With so much going on, there was only so much that the couple could do. However, with the help of their cultural communications team, they came up with a solution to at least start the new year with a new beginning.

With permission from the north pole's clergy, Dinah and Normani dipped their hand in the states' upcoming election. They were aware of the man who currently held office, and wanted to try and do whatever they could to help change that. After months of secretly aiding the man in question with his campaigns, the nation elected him to serve as the next president of the United States. This was, by far, the largest holiday gift the couple ever gave.

They were proud of their work, and, as a reward, they decided to take one night off to enjoy themselves. While it was true that they still had one more night to spread holiday cheer in the states, there was still one thing that they, Normani in particular, felt was missing.

"You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" Dinah giggled as she held Normani's hand.

The ebony smiled as her and the blonde continued to glide along the ice.

"Yeah," she said. "I don't know if it makes me crazy or..."

"It doesn't make you crazy, honey. I've been thinking about it too...whatever it is..."

"You think we'll get some sort of sign?"

Dinah looked at her wife and smiled.

"Maybe. Anything can happen during the holidays."

The couple decided to spend another hour at the rink before heading home. Upon stepping foot in their doorway, the aroma of holiday food flooded their senses. Christmas music was playing, and there were a few extra lights decorating the interior.

"She didn't..." Dinah mumbled as she and Normani entered the dining room.

There her parents were, Mary sprinkling some sugar on the last of her freshly bakes desserts as Kris peppered kisses on her cheeks.

"She did," Normani chuckled. "Mama, I told you I would help with dinner this year."

"Oh hush now, child," Mary said as she embraced Normani. "You and Dinah had a busy year. The last thing ya'll should worry about is helping to cook."

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