Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

I wake with a groan. Rolling onto my side, I open my eyes and rub them a few times to try to get rid of the sleep. I pull myself out of bed and glance at the small clock in the corner of the room. The time reads 6.30am. My shift at Jitters starts at 7 so I quickly get ready, making sure to hide my backpack and blankets away in the STAR Labs sweaters crate. If anyone comes down here while I'm at work, I don't want them to see any evidence of me staying here. I'm about to leave when a sharp pain stabs my stomach, similar to the one I had before it feels as though my insides are on fire. I grasp my stomach and sit down on the floor before I can fall over and injure myself. My vision flashes white and my body starts to convulse against my own will. I squeeze shut my eyes as convulsion gets worse before it vanishes as quickly as It came. I lie there panting for a second. I think I am getting seizures but I'm not sure as to why. Maybe it is a side effect of not being in the speedforce? I stand up and look over to the clock to see it reads 6.50. I quickly phase though the wall, deciding to skip breakfast at the last second. I can just get something to eat while I'm at Jitters. As an employee, I get 50% off everything there which makes it cheaper than running to big belly burger.

I arrive at jitters 10 minutes early giving me time to get myself some breakfast consisting of cronuts, muffins and a large coffee to kick start my brain for the day. I finish eating and quickly head into the breakroom to get on my apron.

As I am tying it on, Sasha walks in, dark circles under her eyes and her hair a mess.
"I forgot to set my alarm and didn't have time to get ready," she explains.
"Well then it is lucky you will be in the kitchen the whole day where no one will see you," I reply with a grin on my face.
"That's what I told my mum when I left the house," she agrees.
"how old are you?" I ask her, suddenly curious.
"I'm 17, in my senior year of high school," she explains.
"I'm 16 but I never went to school, I was homeschooled." I tell her.

We chat for a bit more when I hear the sound of the bell ringing, announcing a  customer. I jump up from my chair and run to the front desk to see Caitlin, Cisco and Barry standing there. They must all know each other.
"Hi there, what can I get you today?" I ask them with a friendly smile on my face. Barry seems to recognise me from yesterday and smiles at me.
"we'll have the same as yesterday." Cisco says.
"so, one decaf coffee, one iced tea, one Killer Frost and three Flashes." they stare at me in amazement and I shrug.
"I have a good memory."
I tell them how much it will cost and Barry hands me the cash which I put in the register.

I quickly make all the drinks and pass it to them, a line of people coming for their morning coffees already forming. I give them a brief smile as they walk away before turning my attention to the next customer, an old woman in her 60s.
"hello, how can I hel.." I start but she interrupts me.
"I'll have the double ristretto venti half-soy nonfat decaf organic chocolate brownie iced vanilla double-shot gingerbread frappuccino, extra hot with foam, whipped cream upside down double blended, one sweet'n low and one nutrasweet, and Ice. And make it snappy." I sigh as I get to making her ridiculously long order, it is going to be a very long day.

I finally get home after a super long day at work. I quickly run to the crate of STAR Labs and take out my blankets and backpack,setting them down on the floor before I close the lid. As I walk over to the blankets to set them up, I get a sudden jerk of pain in my stomach,worse than anything I have ever gotten before. I feel my legs collapse underneath me and I hit my head against the crate as I fall, then everything goes black.

I slowly wake up. I groan as my head starts to pound. I bring my hand slowly up to it and probe around the back slowly when I feel something sticky and wet. I pull my hand away and bring it up to my face to see it covered in bright red blood. I shakily put my hands under myself in an attempt to stand up. I finally manage to hobble to my feet, leaning against a crate for some support. I take a shaky breath, happy that today is my day off, I wouldn't have been able to go into work looking like this. I have to try to find the STAR Labs med bay. With the Flash and Kid Flash using this as their base i'm sure they come back with all sorts of  injuries. The only issue is, I feel like if I use my speed, I will instantly black out. I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Sneaking around while walking with a bleeding head. It'll be easy.

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