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I ended up not going to the hospital. I did however call Sodapop when he was at his house and asked him about what happened and well, he said Steve wasn't lying. I cried in the car for around two hours until it got dark. I finally pulled into the drive way of the house and walked in. Steve immediately shooting up from the couch.

I placed my bag down on the counter. The rain began pouring outside.

"No love, don't you feel fucked up with our love?"

He stared at me. "No. We're meant to be Elena. It's supposed to be me a-and you forever." He said cupping my face in his hands.

I moved them and walked away. Thunder and lightning struck. "My shadow was dancing. Without you for the first time. My heart is open, you walked right in tonight. And tell me there are things that you regret. Cause if I'm being honest I'm not over you yet. That's all I'm asking. Is it too much to ask?" I asked as I cried.

He looked down and grabbed my hand. "I regret that night so much. Because that night I feared loosing you more than ever. That night was never supposed to happen. The only woman I ever loved and still love, is you. And that will never change." He said softly. His eyes sparkled. And his lip quivered.

He wasn't lying.

I simply kissed him.

At this point. I believed him. He wasn't lying. He really did regret it. He kissed me. Immediately pulling away and hugging me.

"I'm so sorry." He said sobbing. I hugged him tighter and cried. I was scared to loose him. Scared that what he said was just fake and lies. But they weren't. He was being honest. And god. I think I deserve happiness with this man. I love him. And he loves me too. We deserve to be happy together. It was late and we were both tired. So we went to bed. And we fell asleep.


It was early in the morning. It was still pouring rain.
"I'll go get breakfast." He said as he got up.

"Wait until the rain stops a little. Or I can make something. I'm not hungry right now." I said. He shook his head.

"You stay here, and I'll get my queen her royal breakfast." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

I kissed his lips. "Okay. Be careful then okay, it's pretty rough out there." I said as I stared out the window. He nodded and kissed me once more before leaving.

After a few minutes I decided go grab a book and read. It was like an hour or so later when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as I picked up.

"Elena is this you?" A female voice asked. I recognized the voice.

"Hey Helen what's up?" I asked.

"There was an accident. Steve crashed with a drunk driver." She said.

"What!?" I yelled in disbelief. All I did was hang up. I quickly put in a pair of pants and a hoddie. Running out in the rain and driving to the hospital.

As I arrived I already saw the gang there. I walked up to Helen.

"What the hell happened with my husband?" I yelled. Darry ran up to me trying to calm me down.

"I'm not going to calm down until someone tells me what is happening with my husband!" I yelled. Hellen looked at me.

"Look, he was in a bad condition when he came in but the doctors are saying that he has a chance. He had to get surgery but he should be okay." She said.

I nodded and began calming down. I sat on a chair next to Dallas. My leg began violently shaking up and down. I was anxious for what could happen. He stared at me and placed his hand on my knee. I stared at him he slightly smiled down to me. I began calming down even more now.

Helen came up to me.

"Elena, you can come see Steve now." She said. I shot up quickly and followed her. I walked in the room and I saw Steve. Laying on the bed, hooked up to some machines. I shuddered at the sight and sat down next to the bed. Grabbing his hand.

"Oh baby. I should've told you to stay home. I could've made us eggs and pancakes and we could've watched a movie. But god I'm so stubborn and didn't wanna fight you." I felt him squeeze my hand.

"I love you Steve. And nothing and no one will change that. You're gonna be better. Trust me you will. Because we are meant to be. We are meant to have a life together. To have kids, to raise them together. To grow old and play bingo outside our front porch. We deserve a happy life together." I said happily. I tried to sound happy. I didn't want him to hear me broken. He needed to know I was strong. So he could be too.

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐨 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now