Evading Mr Belfiore

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Kari Notaras, first daughter of Greek business Mogul, Giorgio Notaras and Eloisia Kostas.

Sarcastic. Witty. Intelligent. Charitable.
Wild child, not your average conventional heiress.

Marco Belfiore, only son of Italian business tycoons Rafaele and Isabella Belfiore.

Mellow. Domineering. Business oriented.

Marco and Kari's world clash in an arranged marriage between the two families. Kari needs to start taking life a little more seriously and Marco needs to learn to live a little.They both need something from each other but are both too stubborn to realize it.Kari thinks of her marriage as a one year long vacation and Marco sees it as a way to acquire more standing.The one year is up and the sparks are definitely there even through all the trials they went through.Marco is brave enough to admit to his feelings and let's Kari go if it will bring her happiness.Kari leaves tossing her feelings aside carelessly.

"Will Kari ever realize the beautiful thing she has with Marco or will she spend the rest of her life wondering what could have been?"

Join them on their journey of love and laughter.

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