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This story originally began as a 2000 word entry for the Forbidden Love contest here on Wattpad. It gained a handful of excited readers that wanted to see what happened to the characters, and though I felt like their story was over, Jolie and Carson stuck with me.

Much later, and a whole pile of words, a journey through Radish serializing, and a kick in the ass from LittleMinx94, Wrong Number is now a full-fledged novel out in the big wide world of publishing. As of January 24th, 2022, Jolie and Carson will be on Kindle Unlimited reaching more readers than ever before.

A huge thank you to everyone who liked this little angsty romance and encouraged me to continue. I learned a lot with these characters and it was so fun exploring them with you.

The next chapter is the short story itself, if you'd like to read the humble beginnings of this tale, but if you don't want spoilers (they're not big, it ends like any romance ends and the novel is completely different along the way). After that is an excerpt of chapters from the novel.

And if you're looking to read it in full, it's published under my romance pen Iris Trovao. <3


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