Amazelle's story Part 1

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Amazella: COMMING MAMA!!

I as I rush to grab all of my school supplies and Scurry down the stairs where my mama and Older siblings are waiting for me.

Cisco: Hurry bebê grande (big baby)

Amazella: Stop calling me that!

Cisco: I would if it weren't true


Marcos: can we go already we going to be late

Carlos is already out the door and we follow behind while me and Cisco are still fighting.

Mama Ana: *sigh* those kids are going to be the death of me.

Cisco being the older one safely escorts me to school since I'm the baby girl of the family I have to be escorted to school because it's not safe for a six year old to walk to school by herself.

I walk into the school and I am greeted by my two best friends Mia and Reina.

Mia: hi Ama

Reina: good morning Ama

Amazella: hello Mia and Reina did you sleep well?

Reina: yeah my pillow was pretty comfortable what about you Mia?

Mia: nope my baby brother kept me up almost all night , you guys are lucky not to have any baby siblings.

The bells ring and everyone starts to head to their classrooms

Mia: well I guess I'll see you at lunch and recess

Reina: Yup see you guys later

Both reina and mia walk to their classes and I walk to mine.

Class Passes by kinda like the wind

Its lunch time and my friends are waving at me at the the table we always sit at and we eat lunch the when lunch is over it is time to go home. I wait for my brothers to arrive, mia and Reina's siblings took them home. My brothers show up in front of the school and I rush out the door to go and greet them.

We walk back to our house and mama is waiting for us.

Mama Ana: How was your day

Marcos: same as always

Cisco: School was fine, I saw my girlfriend today

Mama Ana: Oh Really how is Emiko

Cisco: she says she better than last time

Cisco she even asked to come over for dinner tomorrow.

Mama Ana: of course she can as long as her parents are ok with it she can come over any time.

Emiko Fernandes is a Japanese Brazilian girl that goes to the school across from Marcos,Carlos and Cisco's school, naturally when school is over they would walk home and while walking home Cisco and Emiko bumped into each and immediately began dating... I know weird right.

Carlos: Gross I don't want to here the romance talk I'm going to do my homework.

Marcos follows behind him

Carlos doesn't seem to like Emiko that much
And Marcos doesn't really care all that much of her existence in this family, but me on the other hand I find Emiko Fascinating.

Emiko was the same age as Cisco, she was a nice beautiful young girl that had softly intruded her way into our family leaving strong impressions on everyone, Especially me and mama.

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