pregnancy and preparing

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2 weeks later Emma went to  her first ultra sound to check if the baby was healthy and well [ killian was obviously there.] After there ultra sound they went baby shopping for a few bits for the nursery but they couldnt get anything specific for a girl themed room or a boy themed room because they havent found out the gender yet. When they got home Killian built the crib and started arranging the nursery. Emma on the other hand started making dinner for them both.
'hmmm i think i will make chicken for dinner' Emmas says while getting the bits out for dinner

*1 hour later*

'dinner is ready baby' Emma shouts to killian
' Be right there luv' Killian replies
*after dinner *

'shall we watch some netflix ' Emma says
'Yes of course we can' Killian quickly agrees

*2 months later*

2 months into the pregnancy and now Emma and Killian are just about to find out the gender.
'Kiilian its twins' Emma excitedly says
'Really thats so fun. Whats the gender though?' Killian quickly responds
' a boy and a girl' Emma happily replies
'Yay one of each' Killian rapidly says
'Now we can make the nursery all themed for two different genders.' Emma announced
'Lets go shopping for them' Killian suggested

*2 hours later*

'look at all this baby stuff we got for them' Emma expressed
'lets go to bed and we will continue the nursery in the morning' Killian declared

*the next day*

'morning luv' Killian says while he is making breakfast
'morning bub' Emma says tiredly

*after breakfast*

'well shall we get started on the nursery' Killian excitedly announced
'obviously lets go' Emma quickly responds.

*4 hours later*

Killian suggested 'lets go on a date as a break'
Emma happily replied 'omg yes lets go'

*at the restarunt*

'This is so fun thanks for bringing me here baby' Emma happily whispered
'that okay luv hope you are having a good time' Killian gladly responded

*8 months later*

'KILLIAN WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW' Emma screams while in a puddle of water

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