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Your POV
Y/n -your name
L/n - last name
F/g - favorite game
F/n - friends name
M/n moms name
D/n - dads name

I was walking to a game store wanting to buy a game that I have wanted for awhile it's called (f/g). I went inside grabbing the game, and paying for it. I walked out happily with my game as I rode the bus home. It was already dark as I went inside. "I'm home!" I yelled. No answer, 'I guess that means they are at work still' I said to myself. I went upstairs to my computer putting the game in, and putting my headset on. I logged onto a game, and another person joined. I tilted my head and looked at the persons username. The username was a funny one saying applepi123. [my phone is being weird so my words are in italic so just act like it's normal typing-😔]  suddenly I hear a small soft voice. "Hello?" It said. I turned on my microphone and said "hi!" I said a bit loud so he could hear me. "I thought nobody else would be on.." he said and I chuckled "welp I'm here so your not alone..I'm im l/n, f/n!" I said happily. A few moments went by and he said his name. "I'm kozume.. kozume kenma."  He said loud enough were I can hear him since is voice is quiet. "Nice to meet you kozume-kun"  i hoped to be friends with the male as I smiled. "Just call me kenma alright." My eyes widened "oh okay! Just call me y/n then!"

And that's how we met...

A/n: thanks for reading this short chapter! There will be more. Sorry I couldn't change the font atm- I hope y'all didn't get confused. Anyways see y'all in the next chapter.

Met over a game (Kenma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now