Part 4

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3 hours earlier

John said his goodbyes to Athena and glided out the door as he wondered, Why'd she seem so weird? Is she okay? Should I go check up on her? John continued debating whether or not to go back and see if she's okay, but decided not to since it would probably be weird that he just randomly showed up to ask if she's okay. Not to mention, he was almost to his apartment and realized how fast he was walking due to him being lost in thought. But just as he was about to go into the apartment complex, he was dragged into an alleyway just near it. A strong hand wrapped around his throat; choking lightly, and another on top of his mouth; preventing him from speaking.
"You should have gone back to check up on your friend," the figure finally spoke in a gruff, husky voice. John's eyes widened and the surprising deepness of the voice and the somehow familiar smirk, that only appeared with the low-lighted street light. The anonymous figure removed their hand from John's throat, reached behind to their jean pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a knife. The nameless man lifted up the knife just enough for John to see glisting in the street light and brought it to his throat, and warned in the deep, husky tone,
"She's mine." Just like that, the knife slashed across John's thick throat as the unknown man released him from his grasp. John fell to the ground and gasped for air, and finally realized who he really was,
"You," John rasped, while struggling to keep the overflowing of his very own blood.
"Me," the unidentified man smirked, as he watched John's final moments of life, with fear paralized in his eyes as he lay there, dead. The anonymous man smirked once more, and strolled away tucking his hands in his pockets as if nothing had happened. Like he just didn't kill a man.

Athena was jolted awake by the sound of her alarm ringing: Are You Ready For Me by Pretty Vicious. She groaned and threw her hand to the Alarm to stop the loud music. Here goes another day. She threw her over her blankets and lumbered to the bathroom, stretching and yawning.

She flicked on the light to see herself; a yawning, tired mess. She realized she hadn't taken off her mascara from the previous night and now had dark circles around her eyes. Great. How does one take off her makeup and somehow forget to take off her mascara? She groaned again and tramped to the kitchen seeing Venessa wide awake and smiling.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Venessa giggled, as she flipped the eggs she was making.

"Mornin'," Athena grumbled back, as she rubbed her right eye. Venessa giggled again and Athena's grumpiness.

"I made you some eggs," Venessa smiled again, shaking the pan filled with eggs at Athena.

"Mmmm," Athena murmured, smelling the food. That seemed like the only noise that could come out of Athena's mouth.

Athena was never a morning person; it was always Venessa. She'd wake up at the crack of dawn to do whatever she does. But, when it came to night time Venessa couldn't stay awake for the life of her. She'd normally pass out at around 9:30-10:00 leaving Athena binge watching all her favorite shows till' around 2 in the morning. was because her body didn't want to go to sleep. Like it was afraid of falling asleep, like if she did; he would come back to take her to God knows where. So instead, he body kept her awake until it couldn't handle it anymore and let her fall asleep.

After they ate, Athena finally got herself to fully awaken. Venessa noticed and grinned,

"Finally awake I see."

"Shut up," Athena grinned into her hot coffee. Venessa giggled again and sauntered over to the couch, flopped onto it, and clicked on the TV to show Vampire Diaries on the CW. Athena scoffed, while rolling her eyes,

"Not this show again."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," Venessa chuckled hysterically, as she slowly turned her head towards Athena.

"That Damon guy kinda freaks me out," Athena commented, while pointing at the blue-eyed man on the screen, screaming 'ELENA!?!' for the fourteenth time.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Venessa agreed, "He is kinda creepy." Both women giggled once more, then heard a knock on the door. Their smiles quickly faded at the sound. Venessa steadily rose from her position on the couch and began to gradually walk to the door.

She peered through the peephole and sighed in relief as it wasn't how she thought it was. The realization hit her; she quickly unlocked the door and threw it open to see: the police. They were right in front of her, and they seemed to have a saddened look on their faces.

"Officers, what can I help you with?" Venessa finally spoke, swallowing largely. Officers? Athena peered around the corner to see very well as Venessa had said; officers.

"Hello, we were wondering if Ms. Athena Stone was home," the smaller officer on the left had spoken softly, giving a small smile. It was the type of voice you'd seem to trust instantly, unlike his...

"Uhh," Venessa replied, scratching her head before she was interrupted.

"Hi, i'm Athena. Is there anything I can help you with?" she had finally said, appearing from the kitchen suddenly at the mention of her name.

"Were sorry to inform you," the man on the right started, oh no, "but you're boss, John Miller, has been murder last night just outside his apartment complex." Athena's heart stopped, and she froze, a motion she had grown to be familiar with. Everything around her became dizzy, what? How? Why? She had heard voices surrounding her but she still stood there, lost in her own thoughts, "What? How?" Who was that? Mom? No. It couldn't have been. That's Venessa, my roommate. Okay. Wait where am I? Am I in Texas? Home? California? Who are these men? Why are they here? Are they going to hurt me? Athena's eyes fluttered closed as she collapsed to the floor,

"OH MY GOD!! ATHENA!!!!"Venessa screeched, as she ran to aid Athena. Those were the last words she heard before the darkness consumed her.

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