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So, if you don't want to hear anything debatable, like science (Creationism) vs. religion (Evolution) please do not read further and please do not hate. I just wanted to get this out. If you would like to point out a mistake, on the other hand, go right on ahead, just try not to be mean.


The Sun:

The sun loses 2 feet to 5 feet in diameter every hour.

If the earth was around millions of years ago surely the sun was.

But if the sun was around millions of years ago, how is your the earth around today?

It would've burned up under the intense heat of the sun. Or be nonexistent from existing inside of the sun. Ironic.

Did you know that larger plants had greater gravity? So if the sun was larger than it had great gravity. Which means it would've put pulled all the planets closer. Including the earth.

So say the sun just lost 2 feet every hour. That would be 48 feet every day. 336 feet a week. About 1440 feet a month. 17,520 feet of year. 17,520,000,000 feet in 1 million years.
That's about 3,318,181 miles in 1 million years.

And that's just the start. Evolution said it took hundreds of millions of years. Just one hundred million years is about 3,318,181,818 miles.

It's about 91.5 million miles from the earth to the sun, and we're talking about billions of miles.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Good. On to the next subject.

Bees and Flowers.

Bees cannot survive without flowers. Flowers need bees to survive.

"So maybe another bug/insect did it, if there's one thing we know, nature always finds a way."

Okay, sure. So what size is this other bug/insect? Could it even fit in these flowers? Did this creature have UV vision?

"Why are you even asking that?"

Because flowers, when looked at in UV vision, have an obvious sort of target/runway to the center of the flower where the pollen and the nectar is.

"So bees have ultraviolet sight, so what?"

Perhaps. But did you know that flowers not only use colors, but also nectar too? Now why would flower make nectar? What do they need it for? I've found no answer to this question other than for bees.(and other creatures).

(Most, if not all)Flowers need bees to pollinate then. Sounds reasonable, right?

Well, think about it. How do flowers know they need help from bees? Flowers can't think. How would they even to evolve to this if they couldn't reproduce in the first place?

Giraffes, and the rest of nature.

You're probably thinking, 'how in the world do giraffes prove a young earth?' Well I'll tell you.

Giraffes supposedly came from horses, right? Or at least something similar where they had a short neck. Then, as food below got scarce, they would stretch their neck to reach the leaves on the trees. Having then naturally selected to survive, they would pass this slightly longer neck to their offspring until we have this tall necked giraffe. (or something similar to that)

Thankfully, though, most people have gotten smarter than that. The study of genetics has taught people that this such things are not possible to pass down to offspring.

Yet still, people still believe that this giraffe have evolved, just not in the original way they proposed.

How could this be though? How can an animal with a problem evolve once it's dead?

Have you ever seen a giraffe get a drink? They bend their neck all the way down to the ground. Uh-Oh! It sees a lion coming! The giraffe yanks its head up and runs away. then it gets woozy and light headed, and the lion comes and devours it.

No, that's not what's happening. That's what the evolutionists seem to be saying.

'What does this have to do with a young earth?'

Ah, right. Now seeing how these facts and assumptions don't quite fit together, what else am I to believe?

The Bible, that's what. And this Bible here, it says the the Lord created the earth in 6 days, (not millions of years)

Therefore, I believe in the Bible, and all that it says. I honestly haven't seen a piece of evidence that could lead me to believe the Bible is a book of fairy tales.

(If you're wondering something along the lines of God created the earth in millions (or billions) of years, as that's what the days mean, did you know they use the same exact word for when Jonah was in the belly of the great big fish?)

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