Finals • SKZ

30 0 0

wordcount: 1746
genre: crack.
note: unedited

Tomorrow was the day of maths finals. And as if that wasn't nerve-wrecking enough by itself, everything just had to go wrong today. I had to stay behind after my shift at the café, realized I forgot some of my notes at school and the moment I got home and was about to study the hell out of myself, my noisy sibling had their noisy friends over and studying in peace was pretty much impossible.

So at the end of my tether, I finally ended up here, in a hotel room, which, conveniently enough, was closer to school than home.

And to pass my final I pretty much procrastinated studying for until now, I had everything perfectly planned out for tonight.

I grabbed my water bottle next to the lamp that was throwing it's light upon my notes, which were all scrambled over the desk in front of me.
I glanced at the clock across the room. 12:45 p.m. I was gonna study this for another hour and a half, then move onto the last topic which I was gonna study for 2 more. The exam was to be taken at 9 in the morning and from my hotel room I needed exactly 20 minutes to get there. Plus 10 minutes extra in case something should come up after all. That leaves 4 hours of sleep.

My calculations were realistic and on point, everything should work out. At least so I thought.

Followed by muffled laughs from next doors.

I took a deep, deep breath. Calm down, they are gonna quiet down soon.

If it wasn't for those exceptionally noisy people occupying the room next doors my schedule would probably have been ideal, yes. 

A moment of silence followed and I released the breath I was holding. I concentrated on my notes again, realizing that I had still a lot of studying to do to comprehend those formulas and I also needed to keep my time schedule in mind. I was about to scribble down the next equation but the moment the tip of my pencil touched the paper, an ear-piercing growl echoed through the room and my nicely sharpened lead broke off with a crack due to me flinching.

That's it. They're dead meat.

I aggressively grabbed my notes and room keys and stormed out of my room. I swear to god, if I was gonna fail my exam because of them they were gonna pay for this.

With heavy footsteps I stormed towards the room, muffled screaming and laughter still echoing through the wooden door.

I knocked four times. Well, maybe not knocked but stomped my foot against the door because I was furious. I took this hotel room, with my own money, to be able to study in peace. Was that too much to ask for?

I got so worked up over the situation that tears started to glister in the corners of my eyes.

I heard footsteps and the door creaked open. A rather short guy stood in front of me and mustered my angry figure with big eyes.

And the scene behind him was... something else.

One dude was stuffing his face with chicken and at the same time was motioning to pass some food to another, mouth to mouth, while two others were scrambled on the bed, one cuddling the other who was whining about how it's too hot.

Oh, there was another guy in the corner of the room with headphones on I nearly didn't notice cuz of his black, oversized hoodie.

"Uhhh... guys?...", the short man in front of me shouted back to the others, who started to take notice of my presence. In a matter of seconds, the whole room went silent.

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