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Every night that week began with aimless tossing and turning for hours on end. Eris would eventually give in and take measured sips from the sleeping draught glowing a feeble purple on her nightstand. Her nightmares had been less frequent as of late and she hoped they would remain that way until at least the end of the year.

Before taking the potion, however, Eris would attempt to tire herself by watching the creatures of the lake through the window. They would drift lazily in and out of view, disappearing behind boulders or dodging the weeds that swayed in the current. This only produced peace of mind instead of weariness in most cases. Eventually, after taking the potion, Milicent's snores would lull Eris to sleep and she would dream of the lake.

The encroaching Slytherin-Ravenclaw Quidditch match on Saturday brought tensions to yet another high. Eris would cherish the day she got to live tension-free, when it came. If it ever came.

Cho was constantly with her team, gossiping about the Slytherin team's weaknesses and how to exploit them. This left Eris with Cedric and Ada for most of their meals.

"You can't deny it, Eris," said Cedric as the three finished off their food and began to gather their things. "Cho will demolish Malfoy."

"I have no doubt she'll get the Snitch," ceded Eris. "I just think he will give her a run for her money, is all. He's better than you might think." Eris pulled her book bag onto her shoulder and stood from the table.

"Is he better than you? That's the real question here," said Ada.

Both Cedric and Ada stood too and they moved as a group to the entrance hall.

Eris laughed, "Is it?"

Ada shrugged, grinning.

"If you must know, he's been a large contributor to my success," said Eris with an exaggerated air of importance.

"Has he now?" said Cedric. "And Madam Hooch?"

Eris paused, "Also a... large contributor."

They laughed and started down the corridor, no real destination in mind. Eris enjoyed these moments with her friends. When they didn't talk about anything of absolute importance and walked aimlessly around the castle, exploring the nooks and crannies they had yet to invade.

Eventually, they came upon the storage closet on the second floor and Eris paused in front of the door. The boggart incident seemed so long ago now. So much had happened in the last few months, it was something she didn't give much thought to anymore. Would her boggart still be the same after all that had happened?

She lifted her hand and ran her fingers over the rough wooden door.


Eris shook herself away from the door and looked over her shoulder at Cedric and Ada, both of them eyeing the door suspiciously. She realized now that she hadn't known them then. They didn't know about the boggart.

She looked once more at the door before she rejoined her friends. They didn't question her about the door. There was a small part of Eris that wished they did.

Their thoughtless walking brought them upon a stairwell and after lounging in the entry for a few minutes to talk about their plans for the next Hogsmeade trip, they ascended the spiral stairs.

Eris thought the stairs would never end, but Cedric's progress promptly flattened out and the three of them stepped into an open tower. The wooden floor was littered with pillows, cushions, and poufs and the walls were shrouded in blankets and sheets. The room was brilliantly colored, although there was no denying that it lacked a consistent theme.

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