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Tyrone Black is half the rebel of Schilling or Zahar, thankfully. He realises it is a much safer bet to simply surrender, and allow for our transfer, as planned. Command has requested that all rebels be securely locked in cells on the Berserker, that the crew remain there, and a newly trained bridge staff assigned the duty of returning the ship to Concordia.

During our various communications with base, I make sure I nudge Sam to remind him to request that Gabriel remain on the Destructor as his personal droid, to replace Roger. When the news comes back that this is a logical decision following Gabriel's shared experiences with us, I am beaming with joy. I lose a little self control, stand up and hug Gabriel, who is looking for your response. As usual, he keeps a relatively straight face.

"Thankyou, Captain Rafferty. It will be a pleasure to continue serving you." He then looks to me, and as a programmed response, smiles.

"Yes, Gabriel, serving me mostly, not Lieutenant Wood!" You add, shaking your head.

Marilyn interrupts us with communication from the Destructor. You hastily move off to respond, and Tristan walks over and takes the opportunity to converse with me.

"Stella, I have already spoken with the captain. And now I wish to talk to you too if I can have a minute of your time." It is an awkward admission, and he bows his head. "I hid the Redpunk 12 after the Blood Diamond mission.  It was spiteful of me. When I heard Stepman was too sick to continue in the other position of lieutenant, and then out-of-the-blue, you arrived..well. It was the way you infiltrated the ship for one, and also I didn't think a woman would cope in the role. I know now that I was wrong. I acted like a fool and I'm genuinely sorry."

I take awhile to consider my feelings toward his indiscretion, the first opportunity I have had. But none of it is relevant now; I consider us to be on a level playing field despite the connection I have with Sam.

"Thankyou, Tristan. Of course, you are lucky I didn't quit. Otherwise I might have been hunting you down on Concordia on your next rec leave." My tongue-in-cheek response  actually comforts him, and he smiles. We then both grin as we notice Gabriel's lack of understanding of irony.

"I also didn't know your history with Sam. He said you were friends years ago."

That you confessed this, and revealed it to Gelding as part of your life story and your memories, warms my heart. I turn and watch you. I find myself fantasising about the next moment I'll be able to steal you away to the nearest bed, or storeroom, to show my unfaltering appreciation of you.  But I know I need to be patient for now until our final step in this crazy predicament has been accomplished.

It turns out that, at the last moment, Black has requested that Schilling accompany us on our transferral. He wants to see that Schilling is still alive, that we still have the collateral. Gelding and I dispute it. But something bigger than us stirs you into action, and you personally drag Schilling from his cell. His reddened wrists are tied in front, and you immediately tape his indignant mouth, before he comes in contact with any of us. Gabriel is given the specific duty of policing him, and he grabs him roughly, his large hand easily wrapping around his scrawny neck. Schilling looks at each of us with hatred and contempt, but his eye contact fixes mainly on me; the first one he failed to kill, the one who managed to foil his plans with the help of a faithful android. You see the anger in his face, hear his muffled words directed at me, and slap him hard across the head.

"Shut up, Schilling! And keep your eyes off her." You spit out through gritted teeth. "Degenerate."

We shake hands with Brimley and say our farewells. There are promises of rounds of beer back on Concordia within days, before the five of us teleport back to the Destructor. As per our organisation, the transfer bay is empty when we arrive, but the door slides open, and Black and two of his men enter.

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